Fri 4 Apr 1862
To George Nurse, vessel owner
Harriet had 8-10 ton of staves and planks more than the account. Fine is £2 per ton if we need to check it.
Mr G Nurse
Canal Office April 4th 1862
Sir, Having been informed that the Harriett has 8 or 10 Tons of Staves & planks more than the account given of the cargo I beg to inform you that you are liable to a Penalty of £2 per Ton for every Ton over & above the weight so given & unless you consent to pay for 58 Tons I shall give direction for your vessel to be stopped & weighed out & the fine will then be enforced upon all overweight.
1000 long & short staves are reckoned as 1 Ton - Bedsteads 1½ Cwt to a set. I hope you will see the necessity of complying with this request otherwise you may bring yourself into much trouble & considerable expense as the Stroudwater Navigation Co are determined not to allow the frauds that have so long & so recently practiced to be continued.