Mon 17 Jan 1898
Proposal to widen Gas House Lane from main road to Gas works on Company’s swing bridge. Scheme that Stroud Urban District Council should receive £75 from Gas Company and undertake widening and remaking of road, and other outlays and maintain road in perpetuity. 100 square yards of land from Company’s property on condition the walls and pillars pulled down are rebuilt and new gates to Company’s premises provided gradient of road as it approaches canal bridge is cased and improved. Gas Company to keep in good repair roadway between Gas Works and canal towing path.
Injury to bank to bank of canal caused on loading of barge with old metal from Gas Works.
William Clark, 68, incapacitated. Allowed to remain in house at Wallbridge and receive 5 shillings a week.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesdy the 17^th day of January 1899 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr S S Marling, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W Davies, Mr W J Stanton, Mr E P Little.
The Chairman reported having attended, by invitation, at the Offices of the Stroud Gas C^oy a conference of the various interests involved in a proposal to widen "Gas House Lane" which leads from the Main Road to the Gas Works over the Company's Swing Bridge. Mr E P Little read to the Committee the details of the scheme provisionally agreed upon, under which the Stroud Urban District Council will receive a contribution of £75 from the Gas Company, and undertake the widening and remaking of the Road and other incidental outlay, and the maintenance of the Road in perpetuity.
A strip of land (about 100 sq yards) will be taken from the Company's property, to which the Committee agreed, on condition that the walls and pillars pulled down are rebuilt and new Gates provided to the Companys premises there, also that the gradient of the road as it approaches the Canal Bridge is eased and improved to the satisfaction of this Committee.
The Stroud Gas Company will keep in good repair in perpetuity the Roadway between the Gas Works and the Canal Towing Path.
The Clerk reported injury to the bank of the Canal caused in the loading of a barge with old metal from the Gas Works, and he was instructed to represent the same to the Manager of the Gas Works.
The Clerk reported having sent a claim for £2 to the National Telephone C^oy vide minute last Meeting.
The Company's servant (for 29 years) William Clark having become incapacitated, at the age of 68, it was resolved to allow him to remain in his house at Wallbridge, if he desires, till March 25^th and in the meantime to pay him five shillings per week.
Cheques drawn:
Messrs Bartlett & Son: £4..15..0