Tue 15 Nov 1898
Correspondence with Mr Thomas Clark, Messrs Pooley & Sons, and Messrs Bartlett & Son regarding Repairs of weighbridge at Eastington Wharf. Mr Clark did not attend. Machine repaired by Messrs Bartlett & Son at Mr Clark’s expense, £5 10s.
Estimate for repairs at Wharf House Eastington £12.
Roof of Ship Inn to be repaired.
Mud boat undergoing repairs.
Forms from Board of Trade requiring statistics of canal.
Mr Joseph L Butt to be relieved of Eastington Wharf. Mr Zacchaeus Whiting applied for same, supported by Charles Critchley of Stonehouse.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of November 1898 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Mr W Davies, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little, Me W J Stanton.
The Clerk reported a correspondence with Mr Thomas Clark, Messrs Pooley & Son and Messrs Bartlett & Son, as to the repairs of the Weighbridge at Eastington Wharf, for which Mr Clark was responsible under his Agreement as Tenant. Mr Clerk not having attended to them, after due notice, and the matter being urgent, the Clerk had had the machine repaired by Messrs Bartlett & Son at Mr Clark's expense - the Estimated outlay being about £5..10..0.
The Clerk reported an Estimate by Messrs Martin & Son for repairs to the Wharf House Eastington, amount £12 apart form bricklayers work and minor repairs to be done by the Company's servants.
It was reported that the lease of the "Ship Inn", Mr Smith. purposes expending a considerable sum in its internal improvement, and that he required attention to a part of the Roof. This was ordered to be effectually repaired.
The Clerk reported the Mud Boat undergoing thorough repairs as sanctioned by minute page 183.
Forms received from the Board of Trade requiring various 'Statistics' of the Canal were laid before the Committee.
Mr Joseph L Butt, attended, and expressed his wish to be released of the Agreement into which he had entered, to take Eastington Wharf, etc, from the 19^th September ulto. Mr Zaccheus Whiting of Eastington, also attended and made application for the same, supported by a letter from Mr Charles Critchley of Stonehouse engaging "to see that the Rent is paid quarterly" and also that he shall have a good supply of Coal by Boat.
The Committee considered these applications, which had both been put in writing and signed, and arranged that the Agreement be forthwith drawn up by the Solicitor, placing Mr Whiting (with his guarantor) in the same position, as from September 29, which Mr Butt occupied towards the Company, Mr Butt to be released upon its completion.
Cheque drawn:
Messrs Vizard Wnden & Son: £1..13..6