Wed 31 Aug 1898
Stroud Gas Company used Company’s mud boat boat for 13 weeks ending August 27. Charged 7s per week. Used six locks of water, 3s 4d per lock. Company’s servants paid weekly by Gas Company.
Complaint from Stroud Gas Company. Trow Reliance seriously delayed on Bristol Road Reach due to fall in water level at Junction 21 August. Excessive demands on Sharpness Basin. Mr Snape to meet engineer of Sharpness Docks Company.
Lease of Ship Inn to Messrs Smith & Company, Brewers, Brimscombe.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of September 1898 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr A B Hooper, Mr E P Little, Mr A J M Ball, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W Davies.
Ordered that the next Committee Meeting be held on the 25^th October next @ 3 o'clock pm and the Half Yearly Meeting on the same day @ 3.30.
The Clerk reported that the Stroud Gas Company had had the use of the Company's Mud Boat for 13 weeks, ended Aug 27, and had occasion to use six locks of water. Following precedent a charge of 7/- per week for the former, and 3^s/4^d per Lock for the latter, was sanctioned by the Committee, The Company's servants assisting had been paid weekly by the Gas Company in the progress of their work.
The work at the Dock House, Eastington, was reported completed by Martin & Son (£5).
The Chairman undertook to look over the Wharf House at Eastington, with the Clerk, when Mr Whiting vacates it at Michaelmas, and arrange for any necessary repairs.
A complaint was received from the Stroud Gas Company that their trow "Reliance" had been very seriously delayed in the "Bristol Road Reach" owing to the falling of the water at the Junction on the 21^st August. It was found that such occured through excessive demands, at the time, upon the Sharpness basin, and in view of the minute in page 234 the Chairman suggested that Mr Snape might meet the Engineer of the Sharpness Docks Company, at an early date, at Whitminster Lock, with a view to giving effect to that resolution. Sir W H Marling Bart, as Chairman of the Sharpness Docks Company, approved the suggestion.
The seal of the Company was affixed to the Lease of the Ship Inn to Messrs Smith & C^o Brewers, Brimscombe.