Tue 16 Aug 1898
Amended estimate from Mr F A Martin & Sons for painting and papering Canal House, Eastington £5.
Letter from Mr F A Jones, engineer of Sharpness Docks Company. 5,649 tons of mud taken from Bristol Road Level. Tracing showing precise amount of increased depth in 21 sections of reach.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of August 1898 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Sir W H Marling Bart Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr A B Hooper, Mr S S Marling, Mr W J Stanton.
The Clerk reported that Messrs Smith & Sons had concurred in the full terms of the Agreement for the Lease of the Ship Inn.
The Policy of Insurance by the 'Ocean' Coy for the protection of the Company under the Employers Liability Act, etc, was produced by the Clerk. Amount £500. Rate 7/6 per cent. Total premium to July 1^st 1899 £1..17..6.
The Clerk reported an amended Estimate by Messrs Martin and Son, for Painting, etc, to be done at the Canal House Eastington of £5.
A letter from Mr F A Jones, Engineer of the Sharpness Docks C^o, to the Clerk, was read, showing the amount of mud taken from the 'Bristol Road Level' at the recent dredging, to have been 5,649 tons. An interesting tracing accompanied the letter, by the courtesy of Mr Jones, showing the precise amount of increased depth gained in 21 different sections of that reach.
The Company's stall of labourers was reported to be still engaged with the Stroud Gas Company.
Cheque drawn:
Price Walker & C^o: £15..13..4