Fri 19 Jul 1895
Messrs Smith & Sons, Brimscombe, had undertaken Ship Inn. £40 p.a. rental. Lease 10 years.
Company insured against Employers Liability on account of servants by Ocean Company. Annual wages £500. 7s 6d per cent for current year.
Stroud Brewery Company allowed to lay pipe under towing path to connect Victoria Tap Inn at Dudbridge with Company’s main. Charge £5 p.a.
Estimate for painting and papering Canal House, Eastington £6 5s.
John L Butt to rent wharf premises and land at Eastington for £20 10s p.a.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of July 1898 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr W Davies, Mr S S Marling, Mr E P Little, Major Fisher, Mr A B Hooper, Mr W J Stanton.
The Chairman reported that Messrs Smith & Son Brimscombe Brewery, had taken the Ship Inn at a Rental of £40 per annum, on a Lease of ten years and that the Agreement was in the hands of the Company's Solicitor.
Also that since the last Meeting, the Company has been insured against Employers Liability, on account of its servants, in the Ocean Company, on an annual amount of £500 wages, at 7^s/6^d per cent for the current year.
The Stroud Brewery Company have applied for permission to lay a pipe under the towing path to connect their house the Victoria Tap Inn Dudbridge with the Stroud Water Company's main, such was allowed on payment of 5/- annually, with an agreement in terms to be approved by the Company's Solicitor. The work to be done either by the Canal Company's Servants at the expense of the Brewery Company or to the Satisfaction of its Surveyor.
The Clerk submitted an Estimate for Painting and Papering required at the Canal House Eastington, amount £6..5.0. He was directed to endeavour to see what was necessary to be done at something less than the sum if possible.
The seal of the Company was affixed to the Agreement with Mr John L Butt, for the Rental, from Michaelmas next, of the Wharf Premises and Land at Eastington (£20..10..0).