Tue 17 May 1898
Joseph L Butt to take Eastington Wharf house and stable, rent £15 p.a. Also field in occupation of L Whiting at £2 10s p.a.
Agent of Nailsworth Brewery Co called to see Ship Inn.
Dredging of Bristol Road Level nearly completed.
Insurance against accidents to workmen in new Act after June.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of May 1898
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Mr A B Hooper, Mr A J M Ball, Mr E P Little.
The Clerk reported that Joseph L Butt had agreed to take the Eastington Wharf House and Stable (£3) when vacated at Michaelmas by Mr Clark, at the same rent and on same terms, viz: £15 on a quarterly taking. Also the field at present in occupation of Mr Z Whiting at £2,,10 per annum on a monthly taking.
Mr Whiting to have the necessary month's notice not later than September 1^st prox.
The Clerk reported that the Agent of the Nailsworth Brewery Company had called to see the "Ship Inn" and that at present the refusal of the tenancy remained in their hands.
The Clerk reported that the dredging by the Sharpness Docks Company of the Bristol Road Level was nearly completed and that it was expected that the short length below the Junction which is their responsibility, would be dredged under the same opportunity, as well as the weeds cut at Whitminster, which have so frequently been represented.
The greatly increased responsibility of the Company for possible accidents to workmen, under the new Act, after June was mentioned, and it was decided to insure against such, in a suitable office in the interval.
The Clerk reported that the Stroud Gas Company had that day commenced laying their new Gas Mains at Dudbridge, with the assistance of the Company's staff and appliances.
It was decided to leave the Annual Inspection of the Canal this year in the hands of the Chairman assisted by a member of the Committee, dividing it in section, to suit their convenience as a walking survey.
A copy of the Guarantee to Lloyds Bank L^td for Loan No 2 to the Thames and Severn Canal Trust, sealed at the last Meeting, was presented (£1800 and Interest ⅔ Sharpness Docks ⅓ Stroudwater).
Cheques drawn:
Messrs Vizard, Wenden & Son: £1..13..6