Tue 15 Feb 1898
Thames & Severn Canal Trust to borrow £2000 not £1500. Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal Co to provide one tenth of sum, Company three tenths, Sharpness New Docks Co six tenths.
Letter from Mr Waddy, Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester & Birmingham Navigation Co. Dredging apparatus brought down from Worcester & Birmingham Canal.
Ship Inn closed for about a week.
Foul well on premises occupied by William Tudor at Bristol Road Wharf. Agreement to fill it up and connect pump with canal by a little additional length of suction pipe. Good spring on premises for drinking water.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of February 1898 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Mr Edward P Little, Mr S S Marling, Sir W H Marling Bart.
It was reported that the Thames and Severn Canal Trust had now decided to obtain consent to borrow a sum not exceeding £2,000 (Two thousand pounds) instead of £1500 as mentioned in the Resolution of 21^st December last and that the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Company had agreed to provide one tenth of the sum required by the Trust. It was accordingly resolved,
That the Resolution of the 21^st December last be varied, and that this Company agree to guarantee three tenths of the amount required by the Trust the remaining six tenths being guaranteed by the Sharpness New Docks Company.
The Chairman presented a communication he had received for Mr Waddy, General Manager of the Sharpness Docks Company on the subject of Dredging the Bristol Road Level of this Navigation, which was considered to satisfactorily embody the understanding recently come to between the two Companies, and it was ordered to be entered on these minutes,
Sharpness New Docks & Gloucester & Birmingham Navigation C^o
General Managers Office
27^th January 1898.
Dear Sir,
At a Meeting of my Directors on the 12^th inst, a letter was read from Sir W H Marling of the 22^nd December stating that he had at a Meeting of your Committee on the previous day, informed them that the Engineer estimated the cost of dredging the Bristol Road Pound of your Canal at £150 and that this Company are willing to do the work and bear half the cost of it on the understanding that the Stroudwater Company would relieve them of the obligation to keep a man to attend to the Whitminster Shallow Lock Gates, -- and that he had been desired to inform the Dock Company that if they would do the said dredging the Stroudwater Company would contribute half the cost thereof (not to exceed £75) and would forego till further notice the requirement for a man to attend to the said Lock Gates -- and my Board thereon "Resolved that the arrangement as contained in the Chairmans letter be carried out".
To do this we have to bring down our dredging apparatus form the Worcester and Birmingham Canal and I am glad to inform you that our Engineer is expecting its arrival here in course of a few days.
I am Dear Sir
Yours faithfully
Henry Waddy
To C H Hooper Esq
Chairman of the
Stroudwater Navigation C^o.
The Clerk reported that the Ship Inn had been closed for about a week, at a present so remains. He had written the firm who are the tenants of the Navigation on the subject.
The Clerk reported on a foul well on the premises occupied by William Tudor at the Bristol Road Wharf, and after hearing his recommendations, it was agreed to fill it up and connect the pump with the Canal, by a little additional length of suction pipe, there being a good spring on the premises for drinking water.
The Clerk produced the Bank Account of Dividends, shewing all those for last half-year duly paid.
Cheques drawn:
Income Tax: 24..19..8
Canal Association: 3..3..0
[Total] £28..2..8