Tue 26 Oct 1897
Claim of £1 5s for expenses incurred by lightening the Reliance. Proposed friendly discussion with secretary of Sharpness Docks on mutual responsibilities.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 26^th day of October @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little, Mr W J Stanton, Mr A B Hooper.
The various Accounts, Books & Vouchers signed by Mr Dudbridge the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced and passed.
The Treasurers Book was produced examined and signed by the Chairman.
A copy was laid on the table of the Guarantee for £1,800 to Lloyds Bank, Stroud in which this Company bears one third share, vide Fo 212.
It was felt desirable in view of the responsibility of this Guarantee, to use any means available for strengthening the "Reserve Fund", and it was accordingly resolved to cancel the Resolution of Mar 15^th 1892, and for the present, to allow the interest on that Fund to accumulate with its principal.
No written communication has been received from Messrs Strachan & C^o in reply to the Clerk's letter respecting the Painswick Brook, but the Solicitor, Mr Mills, reported that he had learned, personally, that they are willing to sign the Agreement he will prepare.
The detention of traffic at the Shallow Lock was again mentioned, and the Clerk produced a letter received from the Secretary of the Stroud Gas Co enclosing a claim for £1..5..- for expenses incurred by lightening the Reliance. The Chairman read to the Committee a draft of a letter he proposed the Clerk should write to the Secretary of the Sharpness Docks Co inviting a friendly discussion of the mutual responsibilities of the two Navigations, under the "Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Act 1870".
Cheques drawn:
H H Mills Esq: 7..10..0
Mr S J Dudbridge: 2..12..6
Price Walker & C^o: 50..2..9
[Total] 60..5..3