Tue 5 Oct 1897
Special Committee Meeting. Chairman’s interview with Mr Cecil Buckler of Messrs Strachan & Co. Supply of water from Painswick Brook allowed. Quantity and times of opening the sluice at discretion of Canal Co. Rent £5 p.a.
Canal Company’s officers’ right of access to new sluice on Mr Withey’s land.
Gas Company’s vessel Reliance stranded just above Whitminster Shallow Lock. Level of water fell below minimum standard of 17½ feet at Junction set by Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Act 1870. Repair of gates of lock responsibility of Sharpness Company.
Special Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 5^th day of October 1897 @ 3 o'clock pm
Business: To consider an application from Messrs Strachan & C^o L^td to take water from the Painswick Stream (a short distance from the Lodgemore Paddles) to the Froomhall Reservoir
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr W J Stanton, Mr A B Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr A J M Ball, Mr E P Little.
The Chairman reported his interview with Mr Cecil Buckley (Messrs Strachan & C^o) on the Canal at Lodgemore on the 25^th September, with the Clerk, and that it had been agreed that the supply of water from the Painswick brook should be allowed to Messrs Strachan & C^o entirely subject to the discretion of the Canal C^o as to the quantity of water they could spare and the times they might see fit to allow the opening of the sluice, the control of which they would command. Mr Buckler having left the amount of the annual charge to the discretion of the Committee, it was agreed to name £5 (five pounds) per annum, with a notice of Three months for termination of the agreement.
The Solicitor was requested to draft a letter to be written by the Clerk to Messrs Strachan & C^o setting forth the conditions under which the Company are prepared to accede to their proposal, taking care to provide that the officers of the Canal C^o have right of access to the new sluice, which will be on Mr Withey's land.
It was reported to the Committee that the Gas Company vessel "Reliance" had stranded the previous morning just above the Whitminster Shallow Lock, obstructing vessels behind her, through the level of the water having fallen below the minimum standard of 17½ feet, at the Junction, fixed by the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Act 1870.
It was recognised that the chief remedy for this was the repair of the Gates of that Lock which under clauses 77 and 83 appeared to the Committee to fall on the Sharpness Company.
At the suggestion of Sir W H Marling Bart, the Clerk was directed to communicate with Mr Waddy on the matter.
Map showing position of 12" pipe at Lodgemore is available at: