Tue 17 Aug 1897
Part of parapet of Eastington Bridge loosened by passing show vans. Not possible to find owners to claim damages.
Messrs Strachan & Co. asked permission to divert part of Painswick Stream water for manufacturing purposes.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of August 1897
Present: Mr A J M Ball Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Mr W Davies, Mr A B Hooper, Sir W H Marling Bart.
The Clerk reported that part of the parapet of Eastington Bridge had been loosened by the running against it of a passing Show Van, but that it had not been possible to discover the owners so as to claim damages.
A letter addressed to the Directors by Messrs Strachan & C^o Ltd of Lodgemore Mills was read, asking permission to divert part of the water supply coming to the Canal by the Painswick Stream, for manufacturing purposes. The matter was deferred for further consideration.