Tue 18 May 1897
Water from canal at Ryeford Saw Mills for cooling only in manufacture of a “Chemical Food”. Water flow by gravitation to reservoir and to be raised by pumping, afterwards flowing back to canal. Charge of £5 p.a. Pipe not exceeding 6 inches.
Mr Hooper on seat of Harbour Board vacated by Mr E C Little.
Messrs King & Worsey, tenants of Ship Inn, allowed £15 for repairs to roof of stables.
Rent from Stonehouse Polo Club in arrears. Application to be made to Mr Clutterbuck.
Opposition to closure of Wilts & Berks Canal Co.
Stafford & Worcester Canal Co. preferred to lend £200 of £2000 rather than undertake any guarantee. Company, with Sharpness Docks Co, guaranteed ²⁄₃ of £1200. Company remaining £600.
Eastington bridge over canal should be improved.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th day of May 1897 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H Hamilton Mills Solicitor, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr S S Marling, Mr A B Hooper, Major C H Fisher, Mr E P Little.
The Clerk reported that the party proposing to occupy the Ryeford Saw Mills, requiring the water from the Canal for the purpose of cooling only, in the manufacture of a "Chemical Food"; The the water would flow by gravitation to a reservoir on their premises, and be raised thence by pumping, afterwards flowing back to the Canal, practically without deterioration or diminution, and into the same pound it was taken from. Under these conditions the Committee was disposed to agree to a Charge of £5 per annum for a supply pipe not exceeding six inches, subject to their Surveyor being free at all times to inspect the arrangements.
[Harbour Board] A letter was read from the Clerk of the Gloucester Harbour Board appointing Me Hooper, as Chairman of this Company, to the seat on the Harbour Board vacated by Mr E C Little.
Messrs King & Worsey, tenants of the Ship Inn having required certain repairs to the Roof of Stable, etc, estimated at about £15, the Clerk was authorised to see them done.
The rent due from the Stonehouse Polo Club being reported in arrear, the Clerk was instructed to make application to Mr T Clutterbuck whose signature with others is attached to the Agreement.
It was decided to oppose the application which has been announced of the Wilts and Berks Canal C^o for authority to close that Canal, the necessary representation to be drawn up by the Solicitor of the Company, and to be signed by the Clerk.
The matter of the proposed further Loan by the County of Gloucester Bank, of £2,000, to the Thames and Severn Canal Trust, for the completion of he Restoration Works was mentioned by the Chairman, who stated that the Stafford & Worcester Canal C^o had preferred to lend £200 of that sum rather than undertake any guarantee on their part "ultra vires". The circumstance of the Wilts & Berks Canal placed their concurrence out of the question, so that it remained for the consideration of this Company in conjunction with the Sharpness Docks C^o, to see that the £1,000 did not fail the Thames and Severn Restoration, as without it the money spent hitherto would be thrown away. Sir W H Marling Bart, as Chairman of the Sharpness Docks C^o stated that, that Company had undertaken to guarantee two thirds (£1,200) and it was agreed that there was no alternative but for this Company to take the responsibility of the remaining £600.
The Chairman mentioned again the desirability in the interests of the public, that the Eastington Bridge over the Canal should be improved, and the Committee agreed that if any Authority should undertake it, they would place no obstacle in the way, provided it was done to the satisfaction of their Surveyor.
Cheques drawn:
T Mortimer: 10..0..0
Vizard, Wenden & Son: 1..14..1
Humpidge, Holbrow & C^o L^td: 10..8..0
[Total] £22..2..1