Tue 16 Mar 1897
Letter to Mr Sibly. No right of way over any portion of canal towing path.
Larger cistern, capacity 80 gallons, erected at Ship Inn.
Rivers Pollution Amendment Bill puts serious responsibility on Canal Proprietors where pollution admitted directly into canal.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge Canal Office on Tuesday the 16^th day of March 1897 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: Mr C H Hooper Chairman, Mr H H Mills Solicitor, Major Fisher, Sir W H Marling Bart, Mr E P Little, Mr W J Stanton.
Ordered that the Half Yearly Meeting be held on Tuesday the 20^th April next at 3.30pm,
The Clerk produced a copy of the letter written by him, in acknowledgement of Mr Sibly's communication of Feb 10^th pointing out to Mr Sibly that it had been the unbroken practice of the Company to stop the use of the Towing Path to the public, at certain intervals, to prevent a public right of way being acquired, and that there is no right of way over any portion of the Canal Towing path.
The Clerk reported that the larger Cistern required by the Urban District Council has just been erected at the Ship Inn -- Capacity 30 gallons.
The Clerk reported the completion of the repairs to Lodgemore Swing-bridge.
The Chairman read a communication from the "Canal Association", calling attention to a clause in a Bill before Parliament "Rivers Pollution Amendment Bill" involving serious responsibility to Canal Proprietors, when any pollution is admitted directly into a Canal (as distinguished from such as might reach it be tributary streams.)
Cheques drawn:
W J Snape: 37..10..0
W Fredericks: 6.10..0
[Total] £44..0..0