Thu 28 Feb 1861
To Samuel Rowles, vessel owner
Stone from your barge Mary Ann placed under crane so as to obstruct road. Men insolent. Fine is 5s
Mr Sam^l Rowles Canal Office Feby 28^th 1861
Frampton Wallbridge
Sir I beg leave to inform you I was this afternoon called upon by the Wharfinger of the Stroudwater Navigation at Dudbridge Jn^o Cottle to point out to your Capt Hyde & his men belonging to your Barge the Mary Ann that they had placed the R Stone which they were then unloading under the Crane so as to obstruct the road to it. I asked them to remove what stone they had so placed - this they refused to do with insolent language. I therefore demand a fine of 5^s/ this if not paid I shall proceed for the full Penalty which can be enforced under the 9^th Bye Law of this C^o to the amount of £5 as I personally witnessed the obstruction I can speak with certainty to the justness of the complaint. I have sent you by this day's Post a Copy of the Bye Laws & have marked the one bearing upon the point. N A Partridge
Clerk to the C^o