Fri 17 Sep 1858
To Amos Field, barge owner
Captain of Elizabeth misused Foundry Lock on Aug 31st. Fine of 10s not paid. Failure to pay will be £10 fine
Mr A Field Canal Office Sep^r 17^th 1858
Sir When your Captain of the Elizabeth cleared out Aug^t 31^st one of the men drew the lower paddles before first closing the upper gates of the Foundry Lock & without lowering the upper paddles. I do not wish to press hard upon the man for his negligence & therefore recommended him to pay to 10^s/ fine - this has not been done, therefore I must look to you for payment as under the Bye Laws of the C^o you are liable to £10 penalty - should the 10^s/ not be paid before next Tuesday I must bring the case before the Committee which will meet on Tuesday & no doubt they will enforce the full penalty.