Fri 18 Jun 1858
To HM Customs
Complaining of customs requiring goods from France to be transhipped at Junction even though vessel was specifically built to take cargo to Ryeford Mills. Committee request that privilege to unload corn on the G&B Canal be extended to the Stroudwater.
Copy of letter written by Mr Croome.
To the Honourable the Commissioners of her Majesty's Customs
Honourable Sirs
I am directed by the Committee of the Stroudwater Canal Navigation to address you on the following subject.
Very large Corn & Flow Mills exist in this immediate Neighbourhood on the banks of or near the Stroudwater Canal & large importations of Wheat & Corn are made by the Proprietors. One Firm has lately build a Vessel "The Queen Esther of London" registered in the name of George Ford as Proprietor which has conveyed a Cargo from a French Port and was to have been brought up the Stroudwater Canal & to have been discharged at the Ryeford Mill on the Bank of this Canal. This Vessel was constructed of dimensions exactly suited to the Locks of the Canal.
Messrs Ford applied to the Officers at Gloucester & were not permitted to bring the Vessel beyond the Junction of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal with the Stroudwater Canal but the Cargo was discharged there & then the expense of transhipment of the Cargo within 6 miles from its destination was incurred.
Such a requirement causes delay & expense & is of course a hindrance to the trade & would prevent any increase in the number of similar Vessels suited to the trade on this Canal.
I have therefore to submit to you the respectful representation of the Committee of this Canal that permission may be given to Traders from Foreign Ports to navigate Corn laden Vessels up their Canal, without being required to discharge their cargoes at a spot which is only a few miles short of their destination.
In short the request would be that the privilege which is now given to discharge the Cargoes of Corn laden Vessels from Foreign Ports on the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal may be extended to the Stroudwater Canal.
I have the honour to be
Honourable Srs
Yr most obd Servt
N A Partidge
Clerk to the Co