Tue 23 Aug 1859
Annual inspection. Meeting held on Company’s Boat.
Dangerous state of Mr George Ford’s millpond. Wooden railing at same spot encroached on the towing path. He replied that the erection was temporary and would shortly be removed. Old iron and timber left by him on towing path to be removed.
Committee ordered quoin of mill next the towing path to be cut away 6 inches according to understanding when lieby was made.
Committee inspected wharf at Stonehouse to improve trade and regulations as to space allotted to traders. No offer yet made for Mr George’s tenancy. Thomas Marling proposed to take house and garden with use of wharf with others under control and regulations of Committee. Yearly rent £10.
Complaints about flushing locks, particularly at Eastington, to allow boats too heavily laden to pass up to the injury of millowners. Traders to be warned that penalties will be applied if the practice continues.
Piece of vacant land just below Westfield Bridge at Eastington to be let.
Notice boards along canal to be repainted.
All timber going down the canal to be charged at the same rate as coal to encourage back carriage.
The canal being in good condition thanks to the efforts of the Surveyor, the committee resolved that a gratuity of £10 be given to Mr Driver in thanks.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Tuesday the 23^d day of August 1859
Present: M^r Cha^s Hooper, H H Wilton Esq^r Chairman, N S Marling, H Harris, G H A Beard.
The Committee met on board the Boat at Wallbridg and proceeded to inspect the Canal.
The Committee pointed out to M^r George Ford the dangerous state of his Mill Pond from the East or upper corner of the Mill to the gate on the Towing path and that they considered him responsible for any accident which might ensue. They also called his attention to the fact that the wooden Railing that his Firm had put up at the same spot was an encroachment on the Towing path of the Canal to which he replied that he was aware of it but it was only a temporary erection and would shortly be removed. They further required him to remove sundry old iron & Timber being on the Towing path by the side of their Mill which they required them to remove within three months from the present time and the Clerk was ordered to send them a written notice to that effect and at the same time to state to them that the Committee required the Quoin of the Mill next to the Towing path to be cut away six inches according to the Understanding when the Liebye was made.
The Committee inspected the Wharf at Stonehouse with a view to seeing what could be done to improve the Trade there, and to place the Wharf under better regulations than at present as to space allotted to Traders & otherwise and M^r George's Tenancy expiring at Michaelmas next and no offer having yet been made for it, M^r Thomas Marling, who was present, proposed to take the House & Garden with the use of the Wharf in common with others and under the controul & regulations of the Committee at a yearly rent of £10, and the Committee considering the proposal a desirable one ordered that it be accepted.
Complaints having been made of the practice of flushing the Locks in various places & particularly at Eastington to allow boats too heavily laden to pass up to the injury of the Millowners,
Ordered that the Surveyor be directed to warn the Traders against continuing such a practice & to inform them that penalties will be enforced if it is repeated.
Ordered that a piece of vacant land just below Westfield Bridge at Eastington be let and the Surveyor be requested to obtain the best offer he can for it before the next Meeting.
A Vacancy having occurred in the Committee by the death of M^r Croome since the last Half Yearly Meeting the subject was taken into consideration and it was resolved that as the period of the next Half Yearly Meeting is so near at hand it should be left for consideration of that Meeting.
Ordered that the Notice Boards along the Canal be fresh painted where required.
An Application having been made by M^r George Nurse for a reduction of Tonnage on Timber going down the Canal, the Committee with a view to encouraging as far as possible back Carriage,
Resolved that the Tonnage in future for all Timber going down the Canal be charged at the same rate as Coal.
The Committee on their general inspection of the Canal & Works have the gratification of recording that in their opinion they are in good order & condition throughout, and as they consider this is mainly attributable to the care & attention of their Surveyor & to his uniform regard to the interests of the Company, both as concerns the works required to be don & the expenditure incurred in execution of them,
It was resolved that a Gratuity of £10 be paid to M^r Driver as a proof of their estimation of his Services.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid viz: £ s d
M^r Tho^s Webb Timber: 1..4..5
S^l Pearce Repairing Mud Boots: 0..12..6
Stroud Gas Works Tar, etc: 0..4..8