Wed 14 Mar 1855
Proper demand for balance due from Mr Frederick Nurse made more than once. Immediate steps to be taken to detain the ‘Aurora’, now lying at Dudbridge, and the cargo, if any, and to sell them.
Mr Henry Lewis of the Oil Mills complained of damage to banks of brook below the Oil Mills by heavy flow of water after late thaw. Request for compensation of £5 refused.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 14 day of March 1855
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^R H Harris Chairman, F Eycott, T C Croome, J H Warman, W^m Fryer, G H A Beard, C Hooper, Rich^d Martin.
A Circular letter from M^r Wilson the Secretary to the Association of Canal Companies in London to this Committee was read proposing a cooperation to get certain Clauses introduced into the Public Health Bill & Nuisance removal & diseases Prevention Bill now before a Select Committee of the House of Commons & a subscription towards the general expences of effecting the object not exceeeding £5..-..-. Resolved that before any steps be taken M^r Croome obtain a copy of the two Bills in question to see how far the interests of this Canal may be affected by the provisions therein.
The subject of the balance due from M^r Frederick Nurse for Tonnages has taken into consideration and it was resolved that as it appears a proper demand for payment of the amount has more than once been made immediate steps be taken by M^r Croome for detaining the "Aurora" now lying at Dudbridge & the Cargo (if any) on board & selling the same under the letter of lien given by him for that purpose dated 18^th November 1850.
Ordered that the usual half yearly Meeting of this Company be held on Wednesday the 25^th day of April next at 3 O Clock and that the monthly Meeting of the Committee to take place at 2 O clock on that day and that M^r Partridge do give the requisite Notices in the usual way.
A letter from M^r Henry Lewis of the Oil Mills was read complaining of damage done to the banks of the brook below the Oil Mills by the heavy flow of water after the late thaw and requiring a compensation of £5.
Resolved that the Committee do not see any occasion to interfere, the damage having occurred from natural causes & that M^r Croome wait upon M^r Lewis and inform him to that effect.
Ordered that the following Bills & Accounts be paid:
M^r Partridge Quarter's Salary due 25^th Ins't: 25^£..-^s..-^d
Driver Quarter's Salary due 25th Ins't: 20..-..-
Cooper ½ year Salary: 7..17..6
Burbidge 2 months due 20 Ins't (including £1 for candles): 11..-..-
Brisley Stationery: 6..17..4
Mess^rs Martin & C^o Wine: 9..12..-
Croome (Solicitors Bill): 15..16..8
James for Rope: -..5..3
W H Hewlett Plumber: 3..13..-
Liddiatt Plasterer: 10..4..7
N A Partridge petty expenses: -..17..3