Wed 14 Feb 1855
Mr Biddle applied for a subscription from Company for coals to be given away to poor of Stroud under peculiar severity and pressure of the season. Tonnage to be returned on coal used for such a purpose.
£3 to be returned to widow of William Adams, drowned in an accident, out of fines recently paid by himself and his captain, John Allen, for breaches of byelaws.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 14^th day of February 1855
Present: M^r C Hawker, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, J H Warman, W^m Fryer, H Harris, R Martin, F Eycott, C Hooper, T C Croome.
M^r Croome reported that he had completed the purchase of the small piece of Land near the site of the late Gallows Bridge from M^r Sims and had paid the consideration money £15..0..0.
M^r Biddle applied for a subscription from this Company for coals to be given away to the poor of Stroud under the peculiar severity & pressure of the season.
Ordered that the Tonnage charged by this Company on all coals already given & to be given during the present severe Winter be allowed to the Committee on production of proper proof that the Coals have been supplied to the Committee for gratuitously distributing Coals in Stroud.
A letter from M^r George Nurse was read on the subject of carrying Stone & Timber & it was resolved that a decision be postponed to the next Meeting in order to give time for further consideration.
In consequence of the accident to William Adams's Barge by which he and his crew were drowned, Ordered that the sum of £3 be returned to his Widow out of the fines recently paid by W^m Adams for breaches of the Bye Laws of the Navigation by himself & his Captain Allen.
Ordered that the following payments be made:
M^r Croome for cash paid to M^r John Sims for which a Receipt is given by him on the Conveyance@ 15^£..-^s..-^d
M^r H^y Dangerfield Iron Work, etc: 7..-..9
Mess^rs J & H Ferrabee Paddle Wheels: 4..18..-
M^r Hawker ½ yrs Income Tax on his q^rs Salary: -..14..7