Wed 10 Jan 1855
Mr Sim’s offer to sell land lying between canal towing path and brook from where Gallows Bridge stood to Sim’s Orchard for £15 accepted.
Mr H H Wilton given permission to lower culvert under canal near Walk Bridge to improve drainage.
Mr James Nurse allowed drawback of 6d per ton on all coals delivered by canal at Lodgemore and Fromebridge Mills on 500 tons or more yearly. Messrs Hunt, Barnard & Co. were about to have their coal by railway if he could not supply it at a given rate. He also received drawback of 4d per ton on stone delivered at Dudbridge for use of road from Dudbridge to Nailsworth.
Mr John Bucknall allowed to take trucks through gate at Dudbridge and along canal path to his foundry.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 10^th day of January 1855
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r H^y Harris Chairman, C Hawker, C Hooper, F Eycott, W^m Fryer, T C Croome, R^d Martin, G H A Beard.
A letter from M^r Burbidge was read of the 4^th Instant saying that M^r Sims was willing to sell the strip of land lying between the Canal Towing path & the brook from the spot when the Gallows Bridge lately stood to the piece of land called Sim's Orchard.
Resolved that his offer be accepted as it is very desirable that the land should belong to the Company.
A letter from M^r H H Wilton was read of the 4^th Ins't requesting permission to lower the Culvert under the Canal near the Walk Bridge with a view to improving the drainage of the land adjoining. Resolved that permission to do so be given to him provided the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal C^o who are liable to the repairs of that portion of the Canal give their consent & the work be done under the joint direction of the Engineers of both Companies as the entire expence of M^R Wilton.
M^r James Nurse having attended the Committee & stated that Mess^rs Hunt Barnard & C^o were about to have their Coal by Railway but had signified to him their wish to continue to have it by Canal provided he could supply it at a given rate which he was unable to do unless he could have a reduction of 6^d per Ton in the Tonnage. Resolved that a drawback be allowed to him of 6^d per Ton on all Coals delivered by the Canal at Lodgemore & Fromehall Mills provided the quantity anount to 500 Tons or upwards half yearly but not otherwise & M^r Nurse was informed of this & assented to it.
M^r Nurse also stated that he has in a condition to take a Contract for 500 Tons Bristol Stone for the use of the Road from Dudbridge to Nailsworth provided the Tonnage was charged at 6^d per Ton at Dudbridge instead of 10^d as at present.
Resolved that M^r Nurse be allowed a drawback of 4^d per Ton on all Stone delivered at Dudbridge for the use of the said road provided he delivered not less that 500 Tons within the present year.
M^r John Bucknall attended the Committee & applied for permission to take Trucks through the Gate at Dudbridge Lock & along the Canal path to his foundry there. Resolved that he be allowed to do so as a temporary arrangement he keeping the road in repair subject to the Committee withdrawing the permission at any time to which M^r Bucknall assented.
Resolved that the following Accounts be paid:
M^r J Burbidge 2 months Salary due 20 Ins't: 10^£..-^s..-^d
W^m Marment for Timber: 53..5..-
H Howell Smith's Work: 6..4..-
B Brewer Smith's Work: 2..10..7
James Boucher Smith's Work: 2..5..2
J Andrews Smith's Work: -..5..7
T Webb for Timber: 3..8..3
Property & Income Tax: 125..13..8
Do for House & Wharf at Wallbridge: 1..15..-
Do on M^r Partridges Salary: 1..11..3
Jesse Sessions for Stone pipes: -..10..8