Wed 13 Dec 1854
Richard Martin claimed shares nos.69,114,115, 192,187, will of Mary Ann Eycott and Mr John Wood.
Mr Driver’s salary increased to £80 per annum.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 13^th day of December 1854
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r R^d Martin Chairman, F Eycott, C Hooper, C Hawker, T C Croome, G H A Beard, H Harris.
Richard Martin of Parkfields in the Parish of Wheatenhurst otherwise Whitminster in the County of Gloucester Esq^re attended and made out his Claim as Survivor of himself & M^r John Wood of the Thrupp in the Parish of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Esq^re to 4 Shares N^os 69, 114,115, 192 standing in the names of himself & the said M^r John Wood as Executors of Mary Ann Eycott Spinster deceased by producing the Probate of the Will of the said M^r J Wood proved in the Prerogative Court of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury on the 2^nd day of February 1854 & a Certificated for his Burial & a letter under the Hands of Charles Jacomb the Younger Esq^r & H^y Eycott Wood Gent^n the Executors of the said M^r J Wood consenting to the said Claim & by producing the Tickets or Titles to the said Shares & the Claim of the said Rich^d Martin is admitted accordingly & the Clerk is authorized to make out new Tickets to the said Richard Martin alone.
Ordered that the following Bills & A/cx be paid viz:
M^r Driver 1 Quarter's Salary due Xmas: 18..15..-
N A Partridge 1 Quarter's Salary due Xmas: 25..-..-
F Martin Timber: 26..19..5
R^d Whittard Mason's Work: 5..16..6
D Hoskins Smith's Work: 1..9..-
S Critchley Hauling: 1..6..3
S Pearce Mudding bag, etc: 3..9..-
M^r C H Fisher having resigned his Office as a Member of the Committee Ordered that a general Meeting be held on the 23^rd day of April next to choose another Member of the Committee in his stead.
M^r Martin having mentioned that M^r Driver asked for an increase in his Salary in consideration of the present high price of provisions, Ordered that the Salary be increased to £80 per annum to commence from the end of the current Quarter.