Wed 13 Sep 1854
Lower gates of Dudbridge Lock damaged by carelessness of boatmen of the ‘Bourne Lass’ belonging to Mr Richard Webb on 25 August. Trade stopped till 11 September while Dudbridge level drained and new gates fitted. Account of expenses to be given to Mr Webb.
Mr George Nurse refused to sign Letter of Lien for amount of tonnage for which credit is given. Mr Partridge to inform him that requirement is not new.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 13^th day of September 1854
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r T C Croome, C Hooper, H Harris Chairman, W^m Fryer.
M^r Partridge produced the Bond for himself & his Sureties duly executed. Ordered that the same be deposited with the Treasurer.
M^r Driver reported that the lower gages of the Lock at Dudbridge had been broken down by the carelessness of the boatman of the Bourne Lass belonging to M^r R^d Webb that the trade of the Navigation above Dudbridge Wharf had been stopped from the 25^th August when the accident happened to Monday last the 11 Inst & for several days the Dudbridge Level of the Navigation had been drawn out -- that new Gates had been erected, that now a few boats had been already allowed to pass in urgent cases and that the Navigation was nearly ready to be again opened for general traffic.
Ordered that M^r Driver make out an account of the expences incurred & that the same be handed to M^r Webb by M^r Croome with the intimation that it is the amount of the Company's Claim for damage to their works & that he will be held liable for any further Claims made by other Parties for demurrage or otherwise.
A letter from M^r George Nurse to M^r Partridge of the 11^th Inst was read containing a refusal to sign the Letter of Lien for the security of this Company for the amount of Tonnage for which credit is given.
Resolved that M^r Partridge inform M^r Nurse that the requirement is not new, but that similar Letters are given by other Parties and therefore the Committee do not see the way to waive the requirement in his favor.
Resolved that the following Bills & Accounts be paid:
M^r J Stevenson for the Crane on his disposing of the claim sent in by Mess^rs Holmes & C^o for Carriage: 211..14..6
M^r Croome for Cash advanced S Deighton on A/c of the above: 1..10..-
M^r Brisley for Stationary: 11..11..3
W^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 2..11..1
M^r Driver 1 Quarter Sal^y due 29^th Sep^r: 18..15..-
M^r Partridge 1 Quarter Sal^y due 29^th Sep^r: 25..-..-
J Burbidge 2 Mts do: 10..-..-
E^n Cooper ½ yer do: 7..17..6
Expences of InspectionL 6..15..1
Estate of J W Battershill: 3..3..2
Mess^rs Price & C^of for Timber: 16..8..4
M^r S Harrison for Mason's Work at the Crane & Wall at Dudbridge & repairs to the Lock Gates: 80..10..11
Oliver Cam Masonry: 34..5..8
E^d Shipway Smith's Work: 9..5..5
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 8..17..2
Ja^s Boucher Smith's Work: 2..17..-
J Andrews Smith's Work: -..16..7
Dan^l Hoskins Smith's Work: 4..5..9
Mess^rs C Hooper & C^o for Oil: 5..10..-
M^r Tho^s Webb for Timber: 10..13..6
J Spice for Timber: 6..6..5
S Neate Tiler's Work: 5..18..3
H Dangerfield Iron Work: 3..8..8
Ja^s Payne Grindstone: 1..-..-
T Vick Lead: 1..-..-
Geo Mills Timber: -..3..9
M^r Croome Sol^r: 19,,18,,7
M^r Croome for Bond from M^r Partridge: 3..10..8.
Resolved that the Monthly Meeting for October and the General Meeting be held on Wednesday the 25th October & that M^r Partridge do advertize the same as usual at the same hours as on the last occassion.