Tue 8 Aug 1854
Rev. G F Cambridge refused to have anything to do with Gallows Bridge and could not just now undertake the expense of the bridge he would like to put up.
4 extra men to be taken on for mudding, etc, while bridge and crane being erected.
Letter from George Nurse with complaints. To be told committee will inspect canal on 16 August and will be happy to meet him on the spot to discuss complaints.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 8th day of August 1854
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^r H^y Harris Chairman, F Eycott, G H A Beard, R^d Martin, Cha^s Hooper, W^m Fryer, T C Croome, C H Fisher.
M^r Croome reported that he has written to the Rev^d G (?P) Cambridge to the effect suggested by the resolution of the last Meeting and had received a reply from him of the 20th Ulto which was read to this Meeting saying that he was much obliged to the Committee for the communication. That he could have nothing to do with the Gallows Bridge and the expense of the Bridge which he should like to pus up would be more than he should choose just now to undertake.
Resolved that M^r Driver be requested at once to employ four extra hands to assist in mudding & other work required on the Canal in consequence of the ordinary hands having been so much occupied in the erection of the Bridge at Saul and the Crane at Dudbridge.
A letter from M^r George Nurse to the Committee was read containing sundry complaints.
Resolved that the Clerk be requested to reply to it by informing him that as the Committee will make their annual Inspection on Wednesday the 16^th Inst they will be prepared to meet him and any other Owner who may have any cause for complaint at any spot most convenient to himself on the way down with a view to discussing the subject.
M^r Partridge stated that the names of his Father and his Uncle M^r Joseph Partridge had been given to the General Meeting held on 14^th June as Surities for him jointly & severally in the sum of £500 in addition to the others then named under a misconception on the part of M^R C Hawker who handed in the names, it having been distinctly named by his Uncle at the time that he would not become Surety for more than £250 singly. And M^r Partridge having proposed M^r John William Partridge of Birmingham as Surety for him in £250 singly in the room of his father M^r Nath^l Partridge.
Resolved that subject to the approval of the next General Meeting the changes proposed by adopted. M^r Croome be requested to prepare the Bond accordingly.
M^r Partridge reported that since the last Meeting he had paid £62..16..10 and also £3..1..3 for Property & Income Tax due 5ht April last. Ordered that the said payments be approved and adopted.
Resolved that the expenses of M^r Croome and M^r Beard to Bath on the occasion of their going to select a Crane be paid amounting to £1..6.
Resolved that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
M^r James for Ropes: 2..8..6
Edwin Baxter Mason's Work: 1..18..1
Battishill & Homes for Castings: 1..1..10
Stephen Harrison on account of Masons Work to the Crane: 30..-..-
Butt & C^o Dudbridge: -..1..9