Wed 12 Jul 1854
Correspondence with Rev. G F Cambridge on erection of swing bridge at Saul. Committee disposed to allow him to remove present Gallows Bridge and to erect swing bridge at or near same spot sufficient for passage of cattle at his own expense. He should keep new bridge in repair.
At a meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 12th day of July 1854
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r Harris Chairman, Fred^k Eycott, Cha^s Hooper, W^m Fryer, G H A Beard, Rich^d Martin, C H Fisher, T C Croome.
Resolved that the next Committee Meeting be held on Tuesday 8th August and that the annual Tour of Inspection do take place on Wednesday the 16^th August and that M^r Partridge do call a Meeting of the Committee on that day at 9 O'Clock on board the Company's Boat at Wallbridge.
M^r Martin having read to the Committee a letter from the Rev^d G F Cambridge to him dated 3^rd June last referring to a supposed offer by this Company of the privilege of placing a swing Bridge for his own private use over the Canal near the Gallows Bridge & asking if the Company should allow their Engineer to tell him what would be the Cost of such a Bridge at that point all expenses included,
Resolved that M^r Croome be requested to reply to M^r Cambridge's letter to the effect that the Committee having referred to the correspondence which took place between M^r Hawker & himself in the month of December last are disposed (notwithstanding M^r Cambridge having then declined to undertake the alteration) to allow him to remove the present Gallows Bridge and to reerect a Swing Bridge at or near the same spot sufficient for the passage of Cattle if required provided he will undertake the whole expense of such removal & Erection and of keeping the new bridge in repair in future and provided all other parties interested in the present Gallows Bridge (if any) are satisfied with the change on being consulted previously respecting it.
With reference to the resolutions passed at the last Meeting of the Committee and on hearing the observations made by M^r Hawker it was resolved that the Numerical book be continued and another numerical book be used for Tickets issued at Wallbridge and that the only change made in the mode of keeping the Tonnage book be the addition of the Column to be called "Amount charged".
M^r Beard & M^r Croome reported that the Stonework for the intended Crane at Dudbridge is in progress and approaching completion. That the Contractor's Engineer had been up and inspected the work and expressed himself satisified with it and state that the Crane would be dispatched forthwith.
The following Accounts were ordered to be paid:
Joh Burbidge 2 months: 10^£..-^s..-^d
M^r Hawkers 5 weeks from 19^th May to 24^th June 1854: 10..-..-
Jno Webb for Timber: -..13..6
Henry Lewis repairs to Boat: -..10..9