Wed 14 Jun 1854
At Special Meeting Mr Nathaniel Alfred Partridge elected as Clerk after being proposed by Mr Capel and Mr Clarke, he having received 44 proxy votes. 4 people to stand security.
At a Special meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 14th day of June 1854
Tho^s C Croome Chairman.
M^r Hoooper proposed & M^r Eycott seconded the nomination of M^r George Easton of Chester for the Office of Clerk.
M^r Capel proposed & M^r Cosham seconded the nomination of M^r Nathaniel Alfred Partridge as Clerk.
The Votes were taken when it appeared
For M^r Easton Present 16 Proxies 13 Total 29.
M^r Partridge: Present 14 Proxies 44 Total 58.
M^r Partridge was accordingly declared elected from the intended resignation of M^r Hawker.
M^r Hawker on behalf of M^r Partridge proposed as sureties M^r George Edwards & M^r George Crozier Harris in £250 each & M^r Josh Partridge & M^r Nathaniel Partridge jointly & severally in £500 and Security was satisfactory to the meeting.
Resolved that M^r Partridge shall attend at the Office (?) from the 19^th June instant in order to be instructed in his duties previously to M^r Hawkers resignation.