Wed 31 May 1854
Crane at Dudbridge had broken down. Tender for new one accepted from Mr Stevenson of Preston from 6 tenders.
Mr Croome had inspected Gallows Bridge and had made enquiries inspecting roads communicating with it. Extract from Saul and Fretherne Enclosure Award and a tracing from map showing roads thereby stopped. Letter read from Mr Kearsey claiming right of way over it on behalf of representatives of Mr Brinkworth. No grounds to change decision to remove bridge.
48 applications received for office of Clerk. 4 were selected as suitable. Proprietors to be asked if the wanted proxies to be sent to them so that they could vote on 14 June. Candidates requested to attend on 10 June for questioning.
At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 31st day of May 1854
Present: M^R Jn^o H Warman, M^r Hen^y Harris Chairman, Fred^k Eycott, Cha^s Hooper, T C Croome, Rich^d Martin, G H A Beard, Cha^s H Fisher.
M^r Driver having reported that the Crane at Dudbridge had broken down since the last Meeting and required immediate attention in consequence of which he had applied to various parties for tender for a new one. Six different tenders were read and the Committee selected one from M^r Stevenson of Preston as the most eligible.
Ordered that M^r Croome and M^r Beard be deputed to correspond further with M^r Stevenson on some points and see the estimate carried out if the replies were satisfactory with power to fall back on Mess^rs Stothurt & C^os estimate if they think proper.
M^r Croome reported that he had inspected the Gallows Bridge and made inquiries respecting the Roads supposed to communicate with it and produced an Extract from the Saul and Frethern Enclosure Award and a tracing from the Map shewing the Road thereby stopped and a letter from M^r Kearsey dated 15^th Ins^t claiming a right of way over it on behalf of the Representatives of M^r Henry Brinkworth was also read.
Resolved that there does not appear an grounds to change the decision already come to by the General Meeting respecting the removal of the Bridge.
The Letters from Candidates for the Office of Clerk in consequence of the advertisements were opened amounting to forty eight in number from which four were selected as appearing most eligible.
Resolved that a Circular be sent to the Proprietors reporting the result and requesting hem to signify by letter on or before the 6th Inst whether they would wish proxies to be sent to them to enable them to vote at the Special General Meeting to be held on the 14th Ins^t and that the four Candidates above alluded to be requested to attend the Committee in person at an adjourned meeting to be held here on the 10th Ins^t with a View to answering such questions as the Committee may think right to put to them as to their qualifications or otherwise.
Resolved that this meeting be adjourned to the 10th Ins^t at 12 O'Clock.