Wed 10 May 1854
Charles Jacomb the Younger and Henry Eycott claimed share no.155, will of William John Wood.
Mr Holmes application for reduction in tonnage on goods carried from Stonehouse Station on the Midland Railway rejected.
Mr Lane and Messrs Reynolds, successors to Mr Biddle, asked to be put on the same footing as their predecessor. No variation to be made in tonnage rates.
George Perry offered to remove Saul Bridge and erect swing bridge at cost of £15 with deduction of £5 for use of old materials.
Public notice of stoppage of road for repair and erection of Saul Bridge at entrance to the Saul Bridge and in Gloucester papers.
Advertisement for Clerk to Stroudwater Navigation to fill office about to be vacated by Mr Hawker to be placed in two Gloucester papers and Times London paper. Salary £100 per annum and use of house and garden at Wallbridge free of taxes. Security of £1000 pounds required. To take up duties on 19 June. Shareholders should cease canvassing for the post and allow committee to select best person for job. In present crisis of opposition from Railway Company it is important that the Clerk should have active and energetic habit of business.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 10th day of May 1854
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r T C Croome, G H A Beard, Hen^y Harris, Fred^k Eycott, Cha^s Hooper, Will^m Fryer Chairman, Rich^d Martin.
Mess^rs Croome & Harris of Cainscross near Stroud attended on behalf of Charles Jacomb the Younger of Basinghall Street and Henry Eycott Wood of Copthall Court both in the City of London Executors of the late William John Wood of the Thrupp in the parish of Stroud in the County of Glocester deceased and made out their claim as Executors of the said Will John Wood deceased to one Share N^o 155 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said William John Wood deceased bearing date the 29th day of January 1853 whereby he appointed the said Charles Jacomb the Younger and Henry Eycott Wood Executors of the said Will which was duly proved by the said Charles Jacomb the Younger and Henry Eycott Wood in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 2nd day of February 1854 and also be producing the Ticket or Title to the said Share N^o 155 and the Claim of the said Jacomb the Younger and Henry Eycott Wood is admitted accordingly and the Clerk is authorised to make out a new Ticket to the said Charles Jacomb the Younger and Henry Eycott Wood as Executors of the said William John Wood.
An application by M^r Holmes for a large reduction on the amount of Tonnage charged on Goods carried from Stonehouse Station of the Midland Railway was taken into consideration by no circumstance was stated which appears sufficient to induce the Committee to vary the present rate of Charges.
An Application from M^r Lane and Mess^rs Reynolds & Allen, the Successors of M^r Biddle, were put upon the same footing as their Predecessor in regard to Tonnage was considered.
It was Resolved that no variation be made in the rate of charges for Tonnage.
Resolved that in future the Bankers Book be placed on the Table at each Monthly Meeting of the Committee.
M^r Driver reported that George Perry has offered to do the Work needful for removing the Saul Bridge and for erecting a Swing Bridge in lieu of it on being allowed the Company's men for one day to assist and being paid Fifteen pounds out of which he will deduct Five pounds if he be allowed to take the old Materials.
Ordered that public Notice be given by Boards at the entrance to the Road over the Saul Bridge and by advertisements in the Gloucester Papers of the stoppage of the Road for the repair and erection of the said Bridge, a fortnight before the stoppage takes place.
Resolved that the following Advertisement for a Clerk to fill the Office about to be vacated by M^r Hawker be inserted in the two Glocester Papers on the two ensuing Saturdays in the Midland Counties Herald in the two next Weeks and twice in the Times London Paper:
Stroudwater Navigation
The Office of Clerk will shortly become vacant. Persons desirous of applying for the Appointment are required to send in their applications sating their ages and previous occupations accompanied by Testimonials as to their Character and fitness for the situation.
Duties include attendance in the Office, Keeping the Accounts, Receiving Tonnage, Attending Meetings and acting generally under the direction of the Committee.
The emolument is a Salary of One hundred per annum with the use of the House and Garden at Wallbridge free of Taxes when not required for the Committee and General Meeting.
Security to the amount of one thousand pounds will be required and the Candidate will enter on his office on the 19th June next.
Sealed Applications to be addressed to the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation Wallbridge, Stroud and sent to the Office on or before the 30th May Instant.
Inasmuch as Members of this Committee have been canvassed for their Votes in favor of Candidates for the Office of Clerk to this Navigation and understand that a general Canvass of the Proprietors has been made for their Votes even before M^r Hawkers intention to vacate the Office had been announced and as the Committee have not any one in view or any object to serve except to concur in the selection of the fittest individual for the Office they earnestly entreat the Shareholders to join with them in an endeavour to select the best and fittest Candidate and to abstain from giving proxies or pledging their Votes to any person until the Candidates are known and their qualifications and Testimonials have been examined. The Committee deem it essential to the interests of the Company that a proper and fit appointment be made and in the present crisis of opposition from the Railway Company that it is most important for the Proprietors interest that the Clerk should be chosen as well as for suitable qualifications as for active and energetic habit of business.
It is resolved that this opinion of the Committee be forthwith printed and communicated to the Proprietors individually and that M^r Croome do get this resolution printed and circulated amongst the Proprietors.
Resolved that a Special Meeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday the 31st day of May Ins^t in order to open and consider the Applications and Testimonials.
Resolved that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Jn^o Burbidge 2 months Salary: 10^£..-^s..-^d
Cha^s Hawker 1 Quarter due May 19th: 25..-..-
General Assemblies Meeting Mch 25: 9..4..3
Henry Howell Smiths Work: 2..-..8