Wed 8 Mar 1854
Suggestion made for mode of Return to be made by Holmes & Co of goods carried to and from the station of the Bristol and Birmingham Railway.
Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company not to be charged any expenses incurred in restoring the bridge if they stone and repair the road adjoining their works.
Mr Hawker asked to extend his time with the company till 12 July,
Parish of Saul should contribute portion of £25 expense of altering Gallows Bridge.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 8th day of March 1854
Present: M^r Fred^k Eycott, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, Jn^o H Warman, T C Croome, W^m Fryer, Rich^d Martin, H Harris, Cha^s H Fisher.
A paper was produced containing a suggestion for the mode of Return from Mess^rs Holmes of the Goods carried to and from the Station of the Bristol and Birmingham Railway in order to prevent inaccuracies.
Ordered that the same be adopted and acted on and a sufficient number printed.
The Lease of this Company to the Trustees of the Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company was read and it was
Resolved that the attention of the Manager of the said Gas Company be requested to the provisions of that Deed and that an offer be made to them not to charge any part of the expenses lately incurred in restoring the said Bridge if they will at once effectually stone and repair the Road adjoining their Works but that this proposal shall not affect future repairs.
Resolved that the same be assented to.
It having been suggested that a portion of the expense of altering the Gallows Bridge according to the Resolution of the Committee in the Month of December last should be contributed by the parish of Saul,
Resolved that the sum of 25^£ be named to the parish as the sum which this Committee propose to be contributed by the parish.
Ordered that the usual Half Yearly Meeting of this Company be held on Tuesday the 25th April next at 3 O'Clock and that the Monthly Meeting of the Committee do take place at 2 O'Clock on that day and that M^r Hawker do give the requisite Notice in the usual way.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Jn^o Burbidge 2 mos & Candles: 11^£..-..-
N Driver 1 Quarters Salary due 25: 18..15..-
T C Croome Solicitor: 36..12..4
J P Brisley Stationery: 8..3..7
W Brewer Smiths Work: -..16..10