Wed 11 Jan 1854
Mr Eycott and Mr Beard to consider means of making lieby near Ryeford Mill for Mr Ford’s use.
Martin & Co to supply 3 dozen Sherry and 2 dozen Bucellas for use of the General Meeting.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 11th day of January 1854
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^R G Hen^y A Beard Chairman, Fred Eycott, Rich^d Martin, Hen^y Harris, Cha^s H Fisher, T C Croome.
M^r Driver reported that he had Men now at work inspecting the Lock Gate at Whitminster but the late continued frost had prevented his completing the examination of it as yet.
Ordered that M^r Eycott and M^r Beard be requested to view the Navigation near Ryeford Mill and consider the means of making a Lyeby for M^r Ford's use and report thereon at a future Meeting.
Ordered that Mess^rs Martin & C^o be requested to send 3 dozen of Sherry and 2 Dozen Bucellas for the use of the General Meeting.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
T & J Budding plumbing, etc: 8^£..10^s..-^d
Ja^s Boucher: 1..9..6