Mon 2 Feb 1801
3s per week to Martha Share till next meeting.
Present wharf at Dudbridge too small. Enlargement by taking in part of ground occupied by Mr Thomas Grazebrook, tenant of Company. Added land within straight line from south pillar of wharf gateway to point of wall ending on gateway into Mr Clutterbuck's premises. Refund of proportionate part of expense in fencing ground. Original agreement in 1795. Note in margin - no agreement in 1795.
Addition to wharf at Wallbridge. Part of land rented by Mr Richard Camm, within straight line from third willow on bank of River Stroudwater to Navigation.
Application by Clerk Edward Hains for increase on salary. Increased to £75. Whole of his time to be devoted to Company.
Sarah Beesley, Elizabeth Beesley, James Beesley, John Beesley, Thomas Beesley and Francis Beesley claimed shares nos.65,66,81,87,121,141,173, will of Joseph Beesley.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Monday the 2^nd of Feb^y1801
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Nath^l Wathen, Rev^d W Ellis, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Rev^d J Colborne, Jos^h Grazebrook, Jn^o Allaway, Nath^l Jones.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the Order respecting the Warehouse at Bristol Road, also the Order of the Weekly pay of 3^s per Week to Martha Share till the next Meeting.
It having been found that the present Wharf at Dudbridge was too small for the Use of the Company, Resolved that on, or, before the 25^th of March next and enlargement shall be made thereunto by taking in a part of the piece of Ground now occupied by M^r Th^s Grazebrooke as Tennant of the Company, the Addition to be made by adding to the Wharf as much Land as may lie within a straight line drawn from the South Pillar of the Wharf Gateway, to the point of the Wall ending at the Gateway into M^r Clutterbucks Premises and in as much as M^r Tho^S Grazebrook has been at a heavy expence in fencing the above mentioned piece of Ground, it is ordered that he be refunded a part of that expence, in such proportion as the quantity taken into the Wharf shall bear to the whole piece of Ground confirmably with the Original Agreement made between him and he Company in the year 1795. It is also resolved that an addition be likewise made to the Wharf at Walbridge by taking in a part of the Land rented by Rich^d Camm, such part to be ascertained by adding the Ground that shall be within a straight line drawn from the third willow Tree growing on the Bank of the River Stroudwater to the Navigation.
The Committee having taken into consideration an Application made by their first Clerk Ew^d Hains for an Augmentation of Sallary, in consequence both of the great increase of the business of his Office and of the enhanced price of all Articles of Provision, Resolved that the stipend payable in future be increased to Sevent five Pounds per An^m to commence from the last General Meeting in Consideration whereof the Committee expect that the whole of the said E Hains's time and attention will be devoted to the service of the Company.
M^r Jos^h Grazebrook attended on behalf of Sarah Beesley, Widdow, and Relict of the late Jos^h Beesley of the City of Worcester deceased, Eli^th Beesley Spinster, and Ja^s Beesley, Tho^S Beesley and Fra^s Beesley of the City of London Gent^n, and made out their Claims to seven Shares in the Stroudwater Navigation N^o 65,66,81,87,121,141,173 the Property of the said Jos^h Beesley of the City of Worcester deceased, by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Jos^h Beesley bearing date the …. day of May 1798 and duly proved at the Perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 26^th of Nov^r 1800, whereby the produce of the said Shares are given to the said Sarah Beesley for her Life and afterwards to the said Eli^th Beesley, Ja^s Beesley, Tho^S Beesley and Fra^s Beesley upon the Trusts therein mentioned, and did thereby nominate and appoint the said Sarah Beesley and Eliz^th Beesley, Exeutrixes, and the said Ja^s Beesley, Tho^S Beesley and Fra^s Beesley, Executors, whereby they are become entitled to the said seven Shares and their Claim is hereby admitted.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the sixteenth day of March next at 3 o'Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.