Wed 20 Feb 1850
To Thomas Nicholson
Terms on which a drawback is allowed on coals to Brimscombe and forwarded by GWR beyond Kemble.
To Thos Nicholson Esq
Feb 20th 1850
I have submitted your letter of the 22nd Ulto to the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation at their Committee held this day and I am instructed in reply thereto, to inform you that the terms on which a Drawback is allowed on Coals carried thro' this Navigation to Brimscombe and thence forward by the Great Western Railway are as follows, Viz;
That no Drawback be allowed to any party who shall take less than 3000 tons in the year under the agreement.
That the Coals be carried thro' the whole length of the Stroudwater Navigation and be carried by the Great Western Railway to a point beyond the Kemble Junction either on the Cheltenham & Great Western Union Railway or the main Line of the Great Western Railway.
That Terms be made with the Thames & Severn Canal Company for a Drawback on their Tonnage.
The Committee would be ready to negotiate with you for an extension of business on these terms.
Chas Hawker
Clerk of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation.