Sat 28 Aug 1847
To Capt W Clegram, consultant
Saul Lodge
Crane needs to be capable of lifting 8 tons. Oak shaft bends and shakes when loaded with 5 tons
To Capt Clegram
Augt 28th 1847
Dear Sir
I am favoured with your letter of the 26 Inst and beg to say that the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation will feel much obliged by your ready acquiescence to their request.
The nature of the intended trial of the Crane, is to ascertain if it be capable of carrying the weight of 8 Tons, for which it is guaranteed and a Weight of that extent will be provided for the occasion. The Crane was erected the beginning of June and hitherto not more than 5 tons have bee put on it and that only three times, with which the Shaft, which is of Oak, bends and shakes and even with a much less weight, the Committee therefore decline paying for it until it has been properly tested. It was made by Messrs Waring Brothers of Glocester.