Thu 19 Dec 1844
To John Biddle, miller
Statement of terms for allowing you to build a warehouse on company land at the Junction.
Dec 19th 1844
Mr Jno Biddle
Dear Sir
Mr Wood has communicated your wish to the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation of erecting a Warehouse on some land belonging to the Company situate at the Junction and I am desired to hand you the terms on which they will allow it to be done.
You will consider this as merely a preliminary step and in no way binding on the company should they find on consulting their solicitor that the thing is impracticable or that it will be necessary to introduce any other stipulations.
The committee will meet again o Monday Jan7=y 20th when I shall be happy to lay your reply before them. G Hawker.
The Stroudwater Navigation Company will let a piece of land to Mr Biddle belonging to them situate at the Junction for 21 years at the rent of one shilling per ann for the purpose of building a Warehouse.
If the company should need the land at any time before the expiration of the term they will agree to pay Mr Biddle the sum he has laid out on the Building minus 5 per cent per ann up to the time of their requiring possession.
Mr Biddle to furnish the Company with Vouchers of the Cost of the Building when completed.
The Warehouse not to be underlet or storage of other persons corn or goods to be allowd without the consent of the Company or if done without consent, the Building to become the property of the company without any compensation.
The corn of other Goods deposited in the Warehouse not to be carried therefrom otherwise than by the Stroud Canal so far as is practicable on that navigation; if carried otherwise Mr Biddle to pay the Company one shilling and sixpence per Ton on all such Goods or Corn.
Mr Biddle to be allowed to remove the Building Materials at the end of his lease if not claimed before by the comp without any further charge than the stipulated rent.