Mon 21 Oct 1844
To Forest of Dean Railway Co (J Letcher)
Bullo Pill
Request of Committee to meet proprietors of Forest of Dean Railway Co to discuss tolls. Discussion of growing competition from new railways, need to consider tolls, concern for livelihood of barge owners.
To the Chairman of the Forest of Dean Railway Comp.
Stroud Canal Office
21st Oct 1844
Dear Sirs
We the undersigned acting on the committee of the Stroudwater Navigation beg leave to address the Proprietors of the Forest of Dean Railway on the subject of their Tolls.
At a time when several Railways in this and the neighbouring Counties are arriving towards competition and consequently becoming daily more formidable as Rivals in the carrying of Coal in opposition to the present existing modes, it appears to us most desirable that every exertion should be used to meet the competition and that, without delay.
With this view the Stroudwater Navigation Company have for sometime allowed a Drawback on Coals carried into Districts where competition already exists by Railway Conveyance to the amount of one half of their tonnage and they are willing to make a similar concession on the same commodity going to the Gloucester and Cheltenham Market. The are very well aware that the Forest of Dean Railway Company have already made an allowance of Toll in favor of the Cheltenham Market, but thy nevertheless very respectfully urge upon them the necessity of making a reduction generally on all coal coming into the Stroud Canal at Framilode and a further allowance on that going to Gloucester via the same canal. For it is obvious that at that place competition will be brought to bear by the Shropshire and Staffordshire Collieries as well as by the Coal Pit Heath Company.
The Committee of the Stroud Canal are very anxious that on immediate step should be taken in this matter to prevent the Barge owners from seceding from their present occupation, for they cannot shut their eyes to the fact that if once driven off the line by competition the field is left open to their rivals.
They therefore earnestly request the Forest of Dean Railway Company to make a liberal reduction in their present rates of Tonnage as speedily as possible.
If thought desirable a Deputation from the Stroudwater Navigation Company will be happy to meet one from the Forest of Dean Company in Glocester at any time.
We beg to subscribe ourselves
Your faithful & Obdt Servants
Signed John Holbrow Chairman
Richd Martin
Fred: Eycott
G H A Beard
Jno Gurney
Dan Watts
Willm Fryer
Wm J Wood
Enclosed to T T Letcher, Bullo Pill near Newnham