Wed 22 May 1844
To Newspapers
Advertisement for contractors to undertake repairs to the canal (continued on 162)
Stroudwater Navigation
To Contractors
Any Person or Persons willing to contract for the several Repairs of the Stroud Canal as stated below are desired to send seal'd Tenders to the Canal Office Wallbridge on or before the 14th day of June next addressed to the Chairman of the Committee and being endorsed "Tender for Repairs" A B or C as the case may be.
A Repairs to Towing Paths, Canal Banks, including Gravel, Mud and other Materials necessary. Mudding a portion of the Canal annually, Cutting Weeds and all the other work as specified in detail which may be known on application to Mr Mason or Mr Hawker at the Canal Office.
B Repairs to Lock Gates, Swing Bridges, Towing Path Gates, Fences and all other work done by Carpenters, including Timber and Iron and all other Materials required for such Repairs.
C Repairs of Locks, Bridges, & Walls and all work done by Bricklayers and Mason including requisite Materials of all sorts.
Security for each Contract will be required.
Any further information respecting any of the above Contracts may be known on application to Mr Mason or Mr Hawker at the Canal Office, Wallbridge.
May 22nd
Full details of the contracts are given in