Fri 6 May 1842
To Wiltshire & Berkshire Canal Co (Dunsford)
Our charge for block stone taken from Dudbridge to London (including craneage) is £1 10s for about 25 tons.
Canal Office Wallbridge
May 7th 1841,
In reply to your Letter of yesterdays date I have to inform you that or Tonnage on Block Stone if taken to London up the Thames & Severn Canal is extremely small & therefore we are obliged to make a high charge for Craneage & Wharfage if the Stone be taken that way in order to remunerate us for the very heavy expense of erecting a Crane at Dudbridge for the purpose of loading the Stone; & therefore our Charge for Block Stone taken to London from Dudbridge by the way of the T&S Canal is £1.10.0 for a Cargo of about 25 Tons. Some two years since our charge for Tonnage on Block Stone by way of Bristol to London was 2s/4d per Ton, but since that time we have charged only 1s per Ton for Tonnage of Block Stone & something according to the weight of each Stone for Craneage.