Wed 12 Aug 1840
From T & S S Marling
Ham Mills
Suggesting our foreman take charge of the feeder and allows water to canal on Saturday nights and Sundays when it currently runs to waste.
(Copy) Ham Mills, May 12th 1840.
We have considered the proposition you made to use on Thursday last the 6th Instant, when we had the pleasure to meet you at Ebley, Viz that we stated if possible some plan for feeding the Canal with water in such a way as to occasion less annoyance & loss to us as Mill owners.
It appears that there are times (being Saturday nights and Sundays) where the Water runs to waste at Ebley, at which times it hardly ever happens that the water is running into the Canal. it seems therefore plain that at such times your Canal should be fed, and we beg to suggest that this be tried without delay.
But to do this effectually we think it will be necessary that We take charge of the feeder, as the water sometimes comes down so suddenly or our Wheels are stopped so unexpectedly that no Man unconnected with the Mill, could do it properly unless he watched the Water Day and Night. If you assent to this we are willing to undertake it, say for a twelve Month by way of experiment, and should give the matter in charge to one of our foremen & we hope it could be done to mutual satisfaction, as we should direct them to keep your Navigation going by taking the Water when we could spare it. In making the experiment it would of course be understood that the right of neither party would be altered or conceded.
Waiting your reply, We are Gentn
Thos & Saml S Marling