Wed 19 Feb 1930
No formal application for abandonment of T&S Canal as yet by Gloucestershire County Council. Committee not to proceed with proposed abandoment of canal.
Double Locks cottage let to Thomas King Minett, rent £9 p.a.
Mr E J Pearce to have key to wharf gates at Wallbridge.
Clerk to ascertain whether Mr Butt of Junction would rent withy bed there.
Clerk to pay £1 1s, reduced subscription, to Canal Association.
£8 19s 2d, account against the late Mr G de Lisle Bush for removing trees from canal at Eastington Park settled.
[1930 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of February 1930 @ 4 o'clock pm
W R Bloxam. S S Marling, J R Morton Ball, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper, G^d Evans.
Thames and Severn Canal
It was reported that £17..2..0 was standing to the credit of the Thames & Severn Canal Special A/c.
Tree at Pike Lock
It was mentioned that M^r Workman would shortly commence the necessary repairs.
Wheatenhurst Union: Trees at Eastington
It was reported that the Master of the Institution had agreed to the Companys conditions.
Wharf House at Wallbridge
The Clerk reported that the tenant, M^r Lee, had paid the rent due from him.
Proposed Abandonment of the Canal
The desirability of lodging an application for the Abandonment of the Canal was considered. In view of the fact that the Gloucestershire County Council had not yet lodged a formal application for abandonment of the Thames & Severn Canal the Committee decided not to proceed in the matter for the present.
Double Locks Cottage
It was decided to let the Cottage to Thomas King Minnett at £9..- a year rent subject to his signing an Agreement to be prepared by the Companys Solicitors.
Wharf Gates at Wallbridge
The Committee agreed to allow M^r E J Pearce a key of the gates.
Withy Bed at the Junction
The Clerk was instructed to ascertain whether M^r Butt of the Junction would rent the Withey bed at the Junction.
Canal Association
The Committee authorized the Clerk to pay £1..1..0 the reduced subscription which the Canal Association had agreed to accept, and to refer to the Secretarys letter when forwarding the Cheque.
It was reported that the Account, £8..19..2, against the late Mr G de L'Isle Bush, the Companys charges for removing trees from the Canal at Eastington Park had been settled.
1930 Balance at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud: £116..0..0
1929 Balance at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud: £127..1..4.
Tonnages £ s d
1930 1^st January to 19^th Feby: 51..15..2
1929 1^st January to 19^th Feby: 68..14..7.
£ s d
For the month of January 1930: 31..17..3
For the month of January 1929: 44..3..1
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
F Miles Land Tax: 19..8
N G Witchell: Land Tax: 2..12..4
W Hooper Land Tax: 19,,0
Canal Association: 1..1..0