Wed 25 Sep 1935
Tenancy of Stonehouse Wharf House transferred to Mr Palmer. Mr Hopson had completed inside repairs. Outside painted by direct labour.
Clerk to see Mr Baker as to taking remainder of Stonehouse Wharf.
Beam on Stroud side of Shallow Lock Bridge (Occupation Bridge) being replaced.
Mr Hobrough’s a/c £9 17s 3d for Stop Gate at Framilode paid.
Chairman to interview County Surveyor re height and width of proposed new wall at widening of Wallbridge.
Letter from Ministry of Transport confirming that present charges can remain in operation until 31 December 1936.
Severn Fishery Board to be allowed 50s off rent payable 25 December next.
[1935 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 25^th September 1935 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam. Henry R Hooper, Marcus Stewart, R J C Little.
There being only four Members of the Committee present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stonehouse Wharf House
The Chairman reported that since the last Meeting of the Committee the tenancy of the Wharf House had been transferred to M^r Palmer on the same terms and conditions as last let to Mrs Paynter.
Stonehouse Wharf House - Repairs
The Clerk reported that Mr Hopson had completed the inside repairs and that the outside painting had been carried out by direct labour.
Stonehouse Wharf
The Clerk was directed to see M^R baker as to taking the remainder of the Wharf.
Saul Bridge: Repairs
The Clerk reported that the repair of the planking of this bridge had been carried out.
Shallow Lock Bridge (Occupation Bridge)
The Clerk reported that a beam on the Stroud side of this bridge was in course of being replaced and that the work would be shortly completed.
Stop Gate at Framilode: Mr Hobrough's A/c £9..17..3
The Clerk reported that the above A/c had been paid in full.
Gloucestershire County Council: Widening at Wallbridge
The plan of the proposed widening was produced and after discussion the matter was left to the Chairman to interview the County Surveyor with regard to height and width of the proposed new wall, which were considered unsatisfactory.
Ministry of Transport re Canal Charges
A letter had been received from the Ministry stating that it was contemplated tat the present charges would remain in operation until 31^st Dec 1936.
Canal Charges on Canoe
A letter received from M^r New was read, the matter was adjourned sine die.
Severn Fishery Board
It was decided to offer to allow 50/- off the rent payable 25^th December next.
July 1^st 1935 to Sept 25 1935: 9..16..3
July 1^st 1934 to Sept 25 1934: 17..4..1.
August 1935: 3..18..6
August 1934: 3..16..7.
1935: 135..9..7
1934: 350..13..0.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Ryeford Saw Mills Co Canal Maintenance: 5..3..9