Wed 19 Jun 1935
Better offer received to rent Stonehouse Wharf House. Clerk to inform Mr O H Cook. Windows and doors required repainting. Other outside repairs and interior decoration needed.
Mr Baker accepted as tenant of portion of Stonehouse wharf beyond stable at £10 p.a.
Work a Framilode Stop Gate completed. Gates and ground paddles of top gate at entrance lock repaired.
Proposals of Severn Catchment Board unlikely to affect Navigation.
[1935 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of June 1935 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Marcus Stewart.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stonehouse Wharf House
The Clerk reported that he had informed M^r O H Cook that the Company had received a better offer to rent the Wharf House.
2 that Mr Ellsley had withdrawn his application.
3 that the windows and door required repainting and that other outside repairs were necessary. The Committee instructed that the necessary materials be obtained, and the work put in hand. It was mentioned that the interior of the house required redecorating.
Stonehouse Wharf
Mr Baker was accepted as tenant of the portion of the Wharf beyond the Stable @ £10 a year rent payable quarterly in advance, subject to the signing of the Company's Agreement.
Framilode Stop Gate, and Entrance Gates
The Clerk reported that the work at the Stop Gate had been completed and that the Gates and ground paddles of the top gate at the entrance lock had been repaired.
Land Drainage Act 1930: Severn Catchment Board
The Clerk reported that in accordance with Minute of last Meeting he had seen the Engineer of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal who does not think the proposals of the Catchment Board will affect the Navigation.
Saul Bridge
The Clerk reported a letter from the Gloucester R D C the consideration of which was postponed sine die.
Ordered that the next Committee be held at Wallbridge on the 24^th July 1935 at 4 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting at 4,30pm on same day.
Jan 1/35 to June 19/35: 32..15..5
Jan 1/34 to June 19/34: 62..10..1.
Month of May 1935: 7..9..11
Month of May 1934: 10..16..9.
1935: 326..15..1
19345L 333..3..5