Wed 17 Apr 1935
Surveyor of Stroud Urban District Council stated that £50 quite reasonable for land required for road widening at Wallbridge.
Clerk obtained two notice boards, £2 3s 9d, from Mr Apperly for Stonehouse Wharf premises sale. Avertisement to be inserted in Gloucester Citizen.
Repair of Framilode Tide Gate to proceed.
[1935 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of April 1935 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Unclaimed Dividends
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting a Cheque, for £11, had been drawn on the Dividend A/c, which amount had been paid over to the credit of the Company's General A/c at Lloyd's Bank Ltd, Stroud.
Stroud Urban District Council, Widening at Wallbridge
The Clerk reported a letter, under date the 28^th March, from the Surveyor to the Stroud U D Council stating that he, the Surveyor, agreed that the amount £50 mentioned in the Company's letter of the 27^th March is quite reasonable.
Stonehouse Wharf Premises
The Clerk reported that he had obtained two notice boards, from M^r Apperley, at a cost of £2..3..9 and that the same had been erected. After discussion the Chairman undertook to settle an advertisement for insertion in the Gloucester Citizen.
Messrs Strachan & Co Agreement
This matter was left to the Chairman.
Saul Bridge: Wheatenhurst R D C
No reply had been received to the Company's letter.
Framilode Tide Gate, Repair
The Clerk was instructed to proceed at once with all that is necessary.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Q A B Tithe: Eastington: 2..13..5
H G Apperley Notice Boards: 2..3..9
Steel's Garages Canal Maintenance: 14..6
Stroud Water C^o Water rate: 13..0.
Jan 1/35 to April 17/35: 20..9..6
Jan 1/34 to April 17/34: 40..9..9.
Month of March 1935: 7..19..1
Month of March 1934: 13..10..2.
1935: 384..1..8
1934: 395..-..1