Wed 20 Feb 1935
Letter from surveyor of Stroud Urban District Council re widening at Wallbridge. Committee agreed to adhere to £50 offer for 75 yards of land required.
Mr V Butt’s permission for in Framilode Pound. Permission withdrawn.
Mr Smart had removed barge from Wallbrige Basin.
Letter from Ryeford Saw Mills Co about water again running under their wall at Ryeford. Request for Company to have towing path puddled at once.
[1935 February] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of February 1935 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: Marcus Stewart, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stroud Urban District Council: Widening at Wallbridge
A letter was read from the Surveyor of the Stroud Urban District Council enquiring if the Company are prepared to accept a lower price than £50..- for the 75 yards of land required. After discussion the Committee agreed that the offer of £50 should be adhered to and that they ought not to accept a less amount. The Clerk was instructed to report this to the Chairman, who was absent, for him to settle a letter to be sent to the Council,
Unclaimed Dividends
Nothing to report. In the Chairman's hands.
Stroud Brewery C^oy: Canal Bank at Framilode
The Clerk reported that this matter was having attention.
Meadow Mills Ltd re Flood Water
The Clerk reported that no reply had been received to the Company's letter.
M^r V Butt: Barge in the Framilode Pound
The Clerk was instructed to inform M^r Butt that the permission granted at the last Meeting of the Committee had now been withdrawn.
Canal property at Eastington: Dock-house
The Clerk reported that in accordance with Minutes of last Meeting a grate had been obtained from Mr Hopson, fixed, and was satisfactory.
M^r J H Smarts barge in the Wallbridge Basin
The Clerk reported that M^r Smart had removed his barge from the Canal.
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o: Towing path next their Yard at Ryeford
A letter was read from the Ryeford Saw Mills Coy stating that water is again running in under their wall at Ryeford, & that they should be glad if the Company would arrange to have the Towing path puddled at once. The Committee decided to leave the matter to the Chairman.
Stonehouse Wharf House: Applications to rent
The Clerk was directed to acknowledge the receipt of the several applications.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Postmaster General "Telephone": 2..14..6
Ryeford Saw Mills Co Canal Maintenance: 3..0
W H Smith Buildings: 10..0
Stroud Water C^o Water Rates: 13..0.
Jan 1 35 to Feby 20 35: 11..9..9
Jan 1 34 to Feby 20 34: 17..0..0.
For the Month of January 1935: 7..8..11
For the Month of January 1934: 15..7..3.
1935: 395..8..11
1934: 355..16..11