Wed 23 Jan 1935
£11 dividends unclaimed since 1914 transfered to Current Account.
Stroud Brewery Co complained of leakage to their Junction Inn premises from canal. Clerk instructed to do necessary repair to canal bank.
Premises of Meadow Mills flooded owing to Company’s lock keeper’s action in releasing large volume of water to Frome from canal though sluice gate in the Forked Pound at Eastington, next to their premises. Request to be advised, to take necessary steps to raise their sluice gates on River Froome to accommodate extra water. Lock keeper at Eastington responsible for seeing flood is dealt with to avoid risk of damage to canal banks. On this occasion he raised sluice gates, the usual practice. Lock keeper instructed, as a courtesy, to give warning when possible, but Company to point out the responsibility of all mill owners for dealing with water coming downstream from mills above and to keep a watchman for the purpose, no notice being given by mill owners to each other.
Clerk to obtain and have fixed a second hand grate in Eastington Dock House offered by Company by Mr Hopson, £1.
Mr Butts perrmitted to keep barge in Framilode Pound for annual payment.
Clerk to have roof repaired of a lean to at back of Wharf House, Bristol Road and to obtain and fix new grate for sitting room.
Present worn out fence around cottage at Bristol Road
[1935 Jany] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 23^rd day of January 1935 @ 4 o'clock pm
W R Bloxam, Marcus Stewart, R J C Little.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stroud Urban District Council: Widening at Wallbridge
Nothing to report.
Oils Mill Bridge
Nothing to report.
Lock-house at Framilode Windows
The Clerk reported that the work was in hand.
Unclaimed Dividends
The Clerk reported that £11 unclaimed Dividends had been standing to the credit of the Dividend A/c at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud, since 1914. The Committee decided to transfer the same to the Current A/c. The Chairman undertook to arrange with the Bank.
Stroud Brewery Coy: Canal Bank, Framilode Pound
The Brewery Company had written to say that there is a leakage to their Junction Inn premises from the Canal. The Clerk was instructed to do an repair necessary to the Canal bank.
Meadow Mills Lts
A letter from the Meadow Mills Ltd was read stating that their premises had been flooded owing to the Company's Lock-keeper's action in releasing a large volume of water to the Frome from the Canal through the Canal Sluice Gate in the Forket Pound at Eastington, next their premises, they asked to be advised, so that they could take the necessary steps to raise their sluice gates, on the River Frome, to accommodate the extra water. After discussion, the Chairman undertook to settle a letter for the Clerk to send to Meadow Mills Lts, informing then, that the Lock-keeper at Eastington is responsible for seeing that flood water is dealt with in such a manner as to avoid all risk of damage to the Canal Banks, that on the occasion referred to he had adopted the usual course of raising the Sluice Gate, a course which had been followed ever since the Canal had been constructed; that our Lock-keeper had been instructed, as an act of courtesy, to warn them when possible; to point out that all Mill Owners are responsible for dealing with water coming down the Stream from the Mills above, and kept a watchman for the purpose, no notice being given by Mill Owners to each other.
Canal property, Easington Dock House
The Clerk was authorised to obtain, and have fixed, a second hand kitchen grate, which Mr Hopson offered to the Company for £1..0..0.
M^r Butt's application re Barge in the Framilode Pound
This was granted subject to an annual payment.
Canal property at Bristol Road
The Clerk was instructed to have the roof repaired to the lean-to at the back of the Wharf House and to obtain, & have fixed, a new grate for the sitting room.
Cottage at Bristol Road Fencing
It was decided to replace the present worn out fence by post and wire fencing.
To page 485
Minute continued on page 485