Wed 19 Dec 1934
Letter to Chairman to Messrs Butler & Co informing them that original stoppage not due to sudden emergency, which enabled Committee to give due notice. When water was withdrawn it was discovered that the cill of one pair of lock gates was in serious condition. Necessary to repair it at once. Notice of intended stoppages always given when possible. Only on rare occasions has canal had to be closd without due notice.
Letter from Surveyor of Stroud R D C. Oil Mills Bridge at Ebley not taken over by Council. Interest in seeing Minutes relating to bridge.
Canal Association accepted £1 1s for Company’s subscription and levy.
10s estimate submitted by L Pockett for replacement of two casement windows for Lock house at Framilode accepted.
[1934 Dec] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of December 1934 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Marcus Stewart, R J C Little.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stroud Urban District Council: Widening at Wallbridge
Nothing to report.
Messrs Butlery & C^oy: Claim for detention of boat at the Blunder Lock
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting the Chairman had settled a letter to Messrs Butler & C^oy informing them that the original stoppage was not due to any sudden emergency, which enabled the Company to give due notice of it, but that when the water was withdrawn it was discovered that the cill of one pair of lock gates was in a serious condition and it was found necessary to repair it at once; that notice of intended stoppages is always given when possible, and that it is only on very rare occasions that the canal has had to be closed without such notice being given.
Oil Mills Bridge at Ebley
A letter from the Surveyor of the Stroud R D Council was read, stating that the Bridge had not been taken over by the Council but he would be interested to see the Minutes relating to the Bridge after making an appointment.
Canal Association
A letter had been received from the Canal Association accepting £1..1..0 in settlement of the Company's subscription and levy.
Lock-house at Framilode
An estimate of 10^s/- submitted by L Pockett for the replacement of two casement windows was accepted.
The next Meeting of the Committee was fixed for the 23^rd January 1935 @ 4 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting at 4.30pm on same day.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
S Hopson Entrance Gates, Wallbridge & Canal Maintenance: 23..3..9.
July 1 34 to Dec 19 34: 27..17..8
July 1 33 to Dec 19 33: 83..13..8.
November 1934: 8..6..11
November 1933: 17..8..0.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1934: 370..8..1
1933: 360..5..1