Wed 21 Nov 1934
Chairman referred to letter from Surveyor of Stroud Urban District Council re road improvement Wallbridge, and interview with him. Navigation prepared to give up piece of land shown on amended plan for £50.
Claim from Butler & Co for detention of boat at the Blunder Lock on account of stoppage of canal for repairs not entertained. Statutory power to close canal for repairs.
Letter from Ministry of Transport 19 October. Act not included in Expiring Laws Continuance Bill presented to Parliament 26 July. Temporary Act to remain in operation until 31 December 1935. Canal undertakings should not rely on any further extension. Letters from Stourbridge & Weaver Navigations, suggesting concerted action in promotion of private legislation. No action.
State of walls above roadway at Oil Mills Bridge, Ebley, giving concern. Wall on S.E (towing path) side leaning over roadway. Clerk authorised to carry out necessary repairs. Bridge not the property of Navigation.
Clerk to see Surveyor of Stroud Rural District Council re rating of canal. Clerk to send Messrs Eve & Sons, County Council valuers, an extract from Company’s Act of Parliament which exempted Company from payment of rates and taxes.
County Council Highways Committee gave notice of intention to quit wharf at Stonehouse 25/6/35.
Cheque for £1 1s for subscription to Canal Association. Request for Company to be relieved of payment of any levy to meet expenses given financial position of Company.
[1934 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st November 1934 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stroud Urban District Council: Road Improvement at Wallbridge
The Chairman referred to a letter from the Surveyor of the Stroud Urban District Council of the 25^th October last and to the interview he had had with the Surveyor: he had informed the Council that the Navigation were prepared to give up the piece of land shown on the amended plan in consideration of the sum of £50..-, the Council to carry out the work necessitated by the proposed widening to the satisfaction of the Navigation.
Butley & C^oy: Detention of bat at the Blunder Lock
A claim for the detention of their boat on account of a stoppage of the canal for repairs at the Blunder Lock, was not entertained, as the Company had statutory power to close the canal for the purpose of necessary repairs. The Chairman undertook to settle a letter for the Clerk to send to Messrs Butler & Coy.
Canal Continuance of Charges Power
The Chairman read a letter from the Ministry of Transport of the 19^th Oct last informing the Company that the Canal Continuance of Charging Powers Act 1933 was included in the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill which was presented to Parliament on the 26^th July and that while it is contemplated that the temporary Act above referred to will remain in operation until 31^st Dec 1935, Canal undertakings should not rely upon any further extension thereof. Letters had been received from the Stourbridge Navigation and the Weaver Navigation suggesting concerted action in the promotion of private Legislation.
The Committee regretted that in view of the financial position of the Canal they could take no action.
Oil Mills Bridge, Ebley
The Clerk reported that the Surveyor of the Stroud Rural District Council had drawn his attention to the state of the walls above the roadway of this bridge. It appeared that the wall on the SE side (towing path side) of the bridge for a distance of about 30 feet required attention. The Clerk stated that the wall on the SW side (towing path side) was leaning over the roadway; he was authorized to carry out the necessary repair to the walls mentioned, but without prejudice, as the Committee considered that the bridge is not the property of the Navigation; the Clerk was instructed to see the Surveyor of the Stroud Rural District Council on the matter and to produce to him the Company's records relating to the Bridge.
Rating of the Canal
A communication having been received from Messrs Eve & Sons, the County Council Valuers, re rating of the Canal, the Clerk was instructed to send them an extract from the Company's Act of Parliament which exempted the Company from the payment of rates and taxes.
Stonehouse Wharf
The Clerk reported that the County Council Highways Committee had given Notice of its intention to quit the Wharf at Stonehouse on 25/6/35.
Canal Association Subscription & Levy £1..15..0
A Cheque for £1..1..0 the amount of the Company' subscription, due for the year last past, was drawn: The Clerk was instructed to request that the Company may be relieved of the payment of any levy to meet expenses in view of the financial position of the Company.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Canal Association: 1..1..0.
July 1^st 34 to Nov 21 34: 19..11..5
July 1^st 33 to Nov 21 33: 69..11..7.
October 1934: 4..9..6
October 1933: 16..1..0.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1934: 385..2..0
1933: 314..17..1