Wed 19 Sep 1934
Mr H R Hooper elected to chair.
Summons issued against Thatcham Road Transport Services for recovery of amount claimed by Company for damage to entrance gates at Dudbridge Wharf.
Commuted value on property with Saul Tithe 1s 1d, payable at £109 10s per cent. Matter postponed. Application received for four half years tithe rent charge due to 1 April 1934, 2s 4d.
Mr Mastin had repaired wall at Bath Road damaged by his motor car.
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd to give vacant possession of premises at Stonehouse at Christmas next.
Clerk to obtain and have fixed new washing boiler at Mr Wathan’s cottage.
Letter from Canal Association re Canals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Act 1922 included in Expiring Laws Continuance Bill presented to Parliament 26 July. Act continued in force until 31 December 1935.
Mr W H Smith applied to rent top floor of Warehouse at Framilode for use as timber store. Committee to let him warehouse for one year and then from quarter to quarter, £4 p.a. Tenant to pay rates. Tenancy to commence from 29 September. Store only for light timber.
[1934 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th September 1934 @ 4 o'clock pm
Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, Marcus Stewart, R J C Little.
M^r H R Hooper was elected to the Chair.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Thatcham Road Transport Services
The Clerk reported that a summons had been issued against the Transport Services for the recovery of the amount claimed by the Company for damage done to the entrance gates at Dudbridge Wharf.
Dudbridge Mills, Messrs Redler Patents, Water from Canal at Dudbridge
The Clerk reported that Redler Patents had agreed to pay £10 a year rent and to sign the Company's Agreement.
Saul Tithes - Rent
In reply to the Company's letter Messrs Greville-Heygate had written to say that the commuted value on the property is 1/1 and that this is payable at £109..10..0 per cent. After discussion as to how the 1/1 had been arrived at the Committee decided to postpone the matter until next Meeting. It was noted that an application had been received for four half years tithe rent charge due to the 1^st April 1934 amounting to 2/4.
Water from the Canal at Stonehouse, M^r G A Evans
Nothing to report.
Wall at Bath Road: M^r Martin
The Clerk reported that M^r Martn had repaired the wall which had been damaged by his motor car.
Messrs Chas Hooper & Sons Ltd water from the Canal
Stroud U D Council, Road Improvement at Wallbridge
As the plans were not to hand the discussion of this matter was postponed.
Premises at Stonehouse: Messrs Ward & Son Ltd
The Clerk reported that Messrs Ward & Son had undertaken to give vacant possession at Christmas next.
Framilode property M^r Wathan
The Clerk was authorised to obtain, and have fixed, a new washing boiler at M^r Wathan's cottage.
Canal Association: Canal charges
A letter had been received from the Association respecting the Canals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Act 1922 which had been included in the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill presented to Parliament on the 26^th July, Under the provisions of the Bill the Act referred to, will be continued in force until the 31^st Dec 1935.
Warehouse at Framilode
The Clerk reported that M^r W H Smith of Framilode had applied to rent the top floor of the Warehouse at Framilode, for use as a timber store. The Committee instructed the Clerk to inform M^r Smith that it was willing to let him the Warehouse for one year certain, and thereafter from quarter to quarter, at a rental of £4 per annum payable quarterly. Tenant to pay rates. The tenancy to commence on the 29^th Sept, and to be terminable (after the first year) by one quarters notice on either side. It to be understood that the store shall only be for light timber and that the Committee would hold him responsible should this not be carried out.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
July 1 34 to Sep 19 334: 17..4..1
July 1 33 to Sep 19 33: 35..11..1.
August 1934: 3..16..7
August 1933: 17..15..0.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud 1934: 350..13..0
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud 1933: 378..18..3