Wed 25 Jul 1934
Redler Patents to abstract one sixth of present supply of water to Dudbridge Mills from canal at Foundry Lock, Dudbridge for reduced charge of £10 per annum.
Letter from Messrs Greville-Heygate re redemption of Saul Tithe. Clerk to enquire how amount was arrived at.
Clerk to give Mr Simpson particulars of rent of Stonehouse Wharf premises. Uncertain when premises would be vacant.
Committee unable to reconsider charge of £20 p.a. to Mr G A Evans for water from canal at Stonehouse.
[1934 July] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 25^th day of July @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Dudbridge Mills, Redler Patents
It was agreed to permit Messrs Redler Patents to abstract up to one sixth of the present supply of water to the Dudbridge Mills from the Canal at Foundry Lock at Dudbridge at the reduced charge of £10..- per annum, subject to the signing of the Company's Agreement.
Saul Tithe, Rent
A letter from Messrs Greville-Heygate relating to the redemption of Tithe had been received and the Clerk was directed to enquire how the amount was arrived at.
Stonehouse Wharf premises
The Clerk was directed to rely to M^r Simpson, giving him particulars of the rent of the premises but to state it was uncertain when the premises would be vacant.
Water from the Canal at Stonehouse: M^r G A Evans
The Clerk was directed to write to M^r Evans that owing to the small number of Members present at the Committee it was decided that it was unable to reconsider the matter of the charge, £20. per annum mentioned in the Company's previous letter.
To page 471.
Minute continued on page 471