Thu 21 Jun 1934
Thatcham Road Transport Services denied responsibility for damage to Dudbridge Wharf gates. £1 8s 6d claimed.
Messrs Redler Patents offered supply of water for £10 rent through 1 inch pipe.
Certificates of stocks and shares held by Company in names of Col J R Morton Ball, Major R J Caruthers-Little, Mr Marcus Stewart.
Messrs Steel & Co to erect water pipe over canal next their works at Ebley, not less than 12 feet above towing path. Payment of small annual wayleave.
Clerk to reply to Severn & Canal Carrying Co.’s letter 19 June. Bridges and locks wide enough to take Messrs Ward’s large barge. 30 ton barge easily navigated. Power boat not more than three miles an hour permitted. Tolls as now paid by Messrs Ward.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of June 1934 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only three members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Ryeford Saw Mills C^oy Towing path at Ryeford
No reply had been received from the Company's letter.
Thatcham Road Transport Services
A letter was read from the Transport Services maintaining that they were not responsible for the damage. A reply was directed to be sent demanding payment of the amount, £1..8..6, claimed/
Dudbridge Mills, Water Supply, Messrs Redler Patents
The Committee agreed to offer Messrs Redler Patents a supply of water on a fresh Agreement being signed at a rent of £0..- a year through a one inch pipe.
Pleasure boat on the Canal at Stonehouse: Mr Townsend
Nothing to report.
Company's Investments
The Chairman produced Certificates of the Stock and Shares held by the Company in the names of the following Gentlemen - Col J R Morton Ball, Major R J Caruthers-Little and M^r Marcus Stewart.
Messrs Steel & Coy pipe over the Canal at Ebley
It was agreed to permit Messrs Steel to erect a water pipe over the Canal next their works at Ebley, at a height of not less than 12' above the towing path and on a payment of a small annual wayleave and to the position of any standard being approved by the Company.
Canal Trade, Severn and Canal Carrying C^oy
The Clerk was instructed to reply to the Severn and Canal Carrying Company letter of the 19^th June that the Bridges and Locks were wide enough to take Messrs Wards large barge and that as regards conditions a 30 ton barge could easily be navigated. If a power boat not more than three miles an hour is permitted, and to give them the tolls as now paid by Messrs Ward.
Jan 1 34 to June 21 34: 62..10..1
Jan 1 33 to June 21 33: 104..12..0.
Month of May 1934: 10..16..9
Month of May 1933: 19..14..11.
at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud, 1934: 333..3..5
at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud, 1933: 332..18..4.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Messrs Little & Bloxam Incidentals: 2..5..9
E H Larner Rates Stroud Urban District Council: 10..8..6
S Hopson Buildings: 2..6..5
Ryeford Saw Mills C^o Canal Maintenance: 1..9..0