Wed 18 Apr 1934
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd to give up Stonehouse tenancy 1 May.
Clerk to enquire if any form of notice more definite as to weight than those already put up to effect that bridges ‘were not suitable for heavy motor traffic’ could now be put up under Road Traffic Act 1933.
Company did not accept responsibility for damage at Ryeford Saw Mills boundary wall, as canal bank had been cut back by one of their predecessors in title.
Damage done to Dudbridge Wharf gates by Thatcham Road Transport Co. repaired. Cost £1 8s 6d. Clerk to claim payment from transport company.
Redler Patents, owners of Dudbridge Mills, gave six months notice to terminate agreement for supply of water made with Apperly Curtis & Co. Clerk to ask if they wished to cease taking water and to see Stroud Metal Co and Messrs Copeland Chatterson & Co.
[1934 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of April 1934 @ 3 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Marcus Stewart, Henry R Hooper.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stonehouse Tenancy, Messrs Ward & Son Ltd
The Chairman read a letter from Messrs Ward agreeing to give possession on the 1^st May next.
Bridges, Road Traffic Act 1933
With reference to Minute of last Meeting and in view of the decision of the County Council, the Committee instructed the Clerk to inform the Canal Association and to enquire whether any form of Notice had yet been authorized under the Road and Rail Act 1933, and whether any Notice more definite as to weight than those already put up to the effect that Bridges "were not suitable for heavy Motor traffic" would now be put up.
Ryeford Saw Mills, Mr Workman, Towing path
The letter from the Clerk to Messrs Workman stating that as the Canal bank had been cut back at this point by one of their predecessors in title the Company could not accept any responsibility was read. No reply had been received.
Dudbridge Wharf, Gates, Thatcham Road Transport C^o
The Clerk reported damage done to the entrance gates by the Thatcham Road Transport Coy and that they had been repaired at the cost of £1..8..6.
The Clerk was directed to write to the Transport Company claiming payment of this amount.
Canal Association
The Chairman read a letter from the Association re Water Supplies (Exceptional Shortage Orders) Bill.
Dudbridge Mills, Water from the Canal
A letter from Redler Patents, the present owners of the Mills, giving six months notice to terminate the Agreement for the supply of water made with Apperley Curtis & Coy was read.
The Clerk was directed to write them enquiring if they wished to cease taking water and also to see the Stroud Water C^o and Messrs Copeland Chatterson & C^oy and inform them of Notice received from Messrs Redler Patents.
Jan 1 34 to April 18 334: 40..9..9
Jan 1 33 to April 18 33: 67..13..1.
Month of March 1934: 13..10..2
Month of March 1933: 24..8..3.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1934: 395.. ..1
1933: 305..5..6.
Cheques drawn:
Committee Fees: 1..12..6
Stroud Water C^oy Water Rates: 1..6..0
B J Hooper (Sawing) Canal Maintenance: 15..0