Wed 21 Mar 1934
No progress with applications to rent wharf house at Stonehouse.
During Conference at Shire Hall recieved list of bridges under Bridges, Road & Rail Traffic Act 1933 from County Clerk. 17 Saul Bridge, 18 Whitminster Bridge, 19 Framilode Bridge. No objection to restriction notices proposed at present under Act.
Messrs Strachan to consult valuer before offer to purchase part of Wallbridge wharf.
Mr Workman, owner occupier of Ryeford Saw Mills, complained about damage to boundary wall next towpath owing to leakage of water from canal.
Clerk to obtain two books of 100 tickets for Junction Office.
Col J Morton Ball suggested steps should be taken to prevent County Council acquiring perpetual right to discharge water into Stroudwater Canal from T&S Canal.
[1934 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of March 1934 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: R J C Little, J R Morton Ball, Marcus Steward, Henry R Hooper.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stonehouse Tenancy
The Chairman read several applications to rent the Wharf House, but as it appeared very unlikely that vacant possession would be given by the 25^th inst, the Committee felt that they could go no further at present. It was decided the Companys Solicitors should write to the tenants viz Messrs Ward & Son Ltd and take any action they consider necessary to obtain possession of the premises.
Bridges Road & Rail Traffic Act 1933
In accordance with Minute of last Meeting the Chairman and the Clerk had attended the County conference held at the Shire Hall at Gloucester. A letter had since been received from the County Clerk enclosing a copy of the list of Bridges considered at the above Conference in the form in which it had been submitted to the Ministry of Transport. With reference to items 17 Saul Bridge 18 Whitminster Bridge 19 Framilode Bridge mentioned therein, it was noted that no direction to restrictive Notices was proposed at present under provisions of the Act 1933.
Wallbridge Wharf: Messrs Strachan & Coy
1 In accordance with Minute of last Meeting the Clerk had had an interview with M^r Steward who had agreed to the rent of £5 pa for way leave over the Wharf to their Mills at Lodgemore, and would sign the Company's Agreement to be prepared by the Company's Solicitors. (2) With regard to the proposed purchase of a part of the Wharf, Messrs Strachan would consult a valuer before making any offer.
1 The Committee instructed the Company's Solicitors to proceed with the Agreement for the wayleave. 2 M^r Stewart stated that Messrs Strachan had not yet consulted a Valuer about the land.
[Ryeford Saw Mills] Ryeford: Canal Towing Path nest Ryeford Saw Mills
Mr Workman, owner occupier, of the Mills had complained about damage done to the boundary wall next to the towing path owing to the leakage of water from the Canal. The Clerk reported that the Chairman had visited the place. In the absence of the Chairman the Committee decided that the matter stand adjourned.
Stonehouse Wharf: Messrs Ward & Son Ltd (Wharfage)
An application by Messrs Ward & Son Ltd was put back pending fresh arrangement that may be mad ein the tenancy of the Wharf house..
Ticket Book (Junction Office)
The Clerk was authorized to obtain two books of tickets each book to contain 100 tickets, for use at the Junction Office.
Thames & Severn Canal
Col J R Morton Ball wished it to be recorded that he suggested steps should be taken some time to prevent the County Council acquiring a perpetual right to discharge water into the Stroudwater Canal.
Ministry of Transport
The Clerk was instructed to ask Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, the Company's Auditors, to supply a copy of the Company's A/c to the Ministry of Transport as requested.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
Jan 1 34 to Mar 21 34: 28..14..2
Jan 1 33 to Mar 21 33: 49..11..1.
Month of February 1934: 9..18..7
Month of February 1933: 23..16..11.
1934: 343..6..7
1933: 336..3..3